Weve been teased with tons of artwork depicting Alison with the eponymous lighter chains over the years and I cant wait until we see what they represent and how she gets them.
It has definitely gone longer without an update before and the timer automatically disappears Satin doesnt have any patron-only work to distribute to the public.
You have to click the new bonus link every month to set the cookie for that month. February's silver link is posted here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/silver-bonus-33653816
There are probably better ways to do this using the patreon API but this was the easiest to implement.
As I rubbed the lamp furiously, I almost expect a lot of grandeur and the emergence of a wisecracking, oddly-skinned, and overall zany wielder of phenomenal cosmic powers. In a way, I got the grand entrance part alright but who was waiting on the other end of it was another story. With a rather arcane and unconventional fashion sense, the least of which had to include see-through pants and other such articles of clothes that left little to the imagination, I was met with the spirit of the lamp. And I'll just say it right now, with her fetching figure and nicely kept but thankfully not too long ponytail in conjunction with her wardrobe, the genie I helped free was...cute. I mean really cute.