Javscript Required
Letters to Mistress 07 GIFGIF Version
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2020-04-21 08:40:092 ♡
Love the jiggle at the end there
2020-04-30 08:04:001 ♡
Pointy teef
2020-05-04 02:19:510 ♡
I love how you're barefoot most of the time Allison! Sitting Indian-style and all that. Um... I'll only ask once... please, pretty please... show us your soles!
2020-05-05 00:57:480 ♡
Sign @ The X 2020-05-06 20:35:272 ♡
Something tells me that Torrin's going to make a liar of our beloved l'il Allison in a future issue of Lighter Chains after she made such a declarative statement like this -- AND she's gonna discover that she embarrassingly loves getting dick that way, too!!!
Sign @ The X 2020-05-06 20:39:422 ♡
Also, note to the artist:

One of the little artistic touches I loved in this gif animation was the way you made the little ring attached to her neck choker bounce up at the end when she declared "It's not gonna happen!"
chair 2020-05-07 18:57:431 ♡
So... what you're saying is there's a chance?
JBHartman 2023-09-19 18:50:030 ♡
This is a cute character/info scene.
Tech Note: The quicker animation images aren't loading for me. Looks like a problem with file names containing "." as part of the name. At least the GIF version shows the whole scene.
Admin 2023-09-20 08:42:410 ♡
I've updated it to use the new animation script that has a better preloader.
JBHartman 2023-09-22 00:29:051 ♡
Thank you! Works a lot better for me.