I have some accounts on other sites if you want to follow me there too, but everything gets posted here first.
You can email me if you want:

Note: I am super bad about replying to email.
What software do you use?
I use a combination of 3D Studio Max and Photoshop CS. I plan out the scene (or animation) in 3D studio, then take screenshots to use as a reference when drawing.
UPDATE: I have switched over to Blender for design, and Krita for illustration. I still occasionally use Photoshop for text and layouts, because Krita is currenly very slow at these things. I had a few bad experiences with 3D studio where forced updates broke some data in older files and licensing issues locking the software. The version 2.8 redesign of Blender really pushed it into usable territory and there's no reason to go back.
The 60fps vector animations (like
this) were made using piece of software I wrote myself. It's not really in a state usable by other people and probably won't be for a while.
What tablet do you use?
I use an old Wacom Intuos 3 non-display tablet. I like it because it has an easy to use button cluster where the buttons are close together and can be differentiated by touch. Newer tablets seem to favor a single row of buttons down the side and that just isn't as usable for me. If I had to buy a brand new tablet, I'd probably look into adding something like the tourbox neo onto it for more tactile controls.
The display tablets I have tried haven't been worth the cost, especially with the added thickness and low refresh rates. And I've gotten so used to looking at the screen while drawing on the tablet that I don't think a display tablet would have much of an advantage for me.
When will new pictures be posted?
Check the
schedule for queued up images and look for the countdown timer in the upper right. I highly recommend signing up for the
mailing list or subscribing to the
rss feed.
What is an RSS feed?
Really Simple Syndication is a standardized way for a website to list new content. It's very useful if you want to follow many different websites. You will need an RSS reader like The Old Reader or
Learn more about RSS on
How long does it take to animate something?
Like a zillion hours. You have to draw at least 10 pictures for every
second of animation plus you have to not fuck up, which is not easy because drawing is hard.
What's the most commented on image?
I'm glad you asked, because I made a page to display
exactly that!.
Where's the rest of this story?
Sometimes there isn't a rest of the story. I often like to draw an out of context scene that leaves the rest of the story up to your imagination. Other times there is more to the story but I haven't fleshed it out entirely, haven't had the time to draw it, have lost interest, or I'm afraid it will be bad. If you see a story page that you like, let me know with a comment.
Do you take requests?
It doesn't hurt to ask, so just post a comment. If I like the idea I might draw something. No promises.
Actually some of the best
one-off comic pages are from requests, so you never know. I like when there's a character reference and an idea, but enough leeway for me to make some creative decisions.
Can I share/reblog your images?
Sure, just make sure you:
- Don't sell them
- Don't remove my watermarks
- Don't add your own watermarks
- Provide a clickable link to this site
Can I color or caption your images?
Absolutely. Post a link and I'll add it to the
Fan Art page.