Tay Pixie 2023-06-12 23:38:363 ♡
That really would be such a thing to adjust to. The weight... the bouncing... the inescapable feeling of femininity.

"Although they more resembled floatation devices, they were more like anchors... forever tying the former man to the womanhood that had claimed him"
Tay Pixie 2023-06-12 23:35:151 ♡
Liara has the best idea. That purple girl is so boring!
Tay Pixie 2023-06-12 23:32:271 ♡
For the record... I hope the poor bastard doesn't die.
Tay Pixie 2023-06-12 23:31:101 ♡
I forget her name, but truthfully If I WERE turned into a girl... haha.. that'd be me. The girl dressed in yellow.
Tay Pixie 2023-06-12 23:22:483 ♡
Would your father even recognize you? Treat you the same way?
Tay Pixie 2023-06-12 21:45:093 ♡
Sometimes you just feel great aaaand... kinda want your brains slammed to bits as your pussy is fucked to mush!
Tay Pixie 2023-06-12 21:43:512 ♡
Sometimes things just... work out. Lol. You just find your calling...
Tay Pixie 2023-06-04 17:30:318 ♡
Oooh. How interesting would it be if he knocked her up, she loses her regal status as a prince and therefore ability to be come king... then the BODYGUARD becomes the king, and the Princess becomes the queen? The hottest and least violent coup ever pulled off!
Tay Pixie 2023-05-29 00:04:292 ♡
Alison's eyes and facial expression in this animation defy understanding in the same way the Mona Lisa does. Is she blankly staring at her freshly grown tits just after being led off by a male, fresh post-transformation? Or is she just staring at the ground thinking about any normal daily task while her new, but adapted-to body now walks in it's natural gait? The world shall forever debate.
Tay Pixie 2023-04-25 07:08:101 ♡
Alison feels her huge tits bounce after bumping them for the first time!
Tay Pixie 2023-04-24 19:07:081 ♡
Years later, I just now noticed the little spank-mark on Alison's ass.

Poor girl. Imagine how much she has to deal with... heh! She's always needed a good spanking though.
Tay Pixie 2023-03-09 20:54:445 ♡
How did she come under the spell? Who cast it on her? Was it intentional or a punishment/curse/lesson-teaching?
Tay Pixie 2023-03-06 21:16:183 ♡
They sure wiped that smug look off his face didn't they? Bet he didn't expect that. Then again... there ARE worse fates.
Tay Pixie 2023-03-02 16:18:531 ♡
I love her look! I'll bet she'd look amazing with an AI treatment?
Tay Pixie 2023-02-27 11:24:143 ♡
Oh my God. Just... to be transformed into that.
Tay Pixie 2023-02-20 09:57:022 ♡
Oh my! Makes me think of the last time I took acid... shit just got TOO real..
Tay Pixie 2023-02-09 02:11:461 ♡
I wonder how hot this title page would look in An AI version!
Tay Pixie 2023-02-01 23:13:394 ♡
Good God! This is getting to be too much to take! I don't know whats more intense: the arousal or the envy!
Tay Pixie 2023-01-31 17:45:446 ♡
Ohhh... stop pouting. It ain't that bad. At least you're not in Data entry or something...
Tay Pixie 2023-01-31 16:30:302 ♡
Lol all hot and grumpy.
Tay Pixie 2023-01-09 00:19:575 ♡
Looking at her like this, she looks like she could sing "For Your Eyes Only" really well.
Tay Pixie 2023-01-08 18:04:016 ♡
It could just be me but she seems to be deeply irritated that her boobs are so big and perfect lol.
Tay Pixie 2023-01-07 22:40:316 ♡
I'm so happy to see Alison getting attention. She's def my fav character.
Tay Pixie 2023-01-06 16:26:392 ♡
The envy is so real right now.

She makes me think of Sailor Moon, or Venus.
Tay Pixie 2023-01-06 10:54:394 ♡
This is so adorable. You just want to pat her on her head and just be like "There, there..."
Tay Pixie 2022-12-06 19:26:225 ♡
There's a good girl, Alison. Nice and easy, focusing on the tip at the start. You're doing a great job.
Tay Pixie 2022-12-05 08:02:302 ♡
I wonder how this would look under the AI stuff!
Tay Pixie 2022-12-04 01:27:217 ♡
Good girrrl, Alison. Very Good girl.
Tay Pixie 2022-11-30 16:38:494 ♡
".... uh oh..." when she realizes she's the newest addition to the brothel lol
Tay Pixie 2022-11-08 09:17:242 ♡
Ooooh this one's nice. I wonder how the Gerudo one would look. I always loved that one.
Tay Pixie 2022-11-05 16:42:132 ♡
Oh my God. There is a tear in my eye right now. That is so beautiful. Lol.
Tay Pixie 2022-11-04 22:34:352 ♡
Mmmm... I kinda like Satin Minion's version better on this one. She looks amazing, but the facial expression just looks too childish. I don't know how these AI re-do's work though so I'm not insulting their work.
Tay Pixie 2022-11-03 16:28:305 ♡
Damn her boobs are big. And she's barefoot lol. Noticable.
Tay Pixie 2022-11-03 15:57:355 ♡
Boing.. boing... boing.... boing...
Tay Pixie 2022-10-30 14:40:325 ♡
I keep coming back to this. Returning to Tiger_Driver91's statement, I love the quick, unexpected change into a woman with the clothes still hanging and then the domination. Reminds me of the "Alpha Club" stories by Trisha on fictionmania.
Tay Pixie 2022-10-14 21:27:125 ♡
Oooo looks like Alison's getting acquainted witb her "Big Problems" lol. That'd definitely be a lot to get used to. ;)
Tay Pixie 2022-09-26 17:09:453 ♡
Oooo that's some strong stuff, huh? Fantastic!
Tay Pixie 2022-09-11 22:08:591 ♡
Of all the characeters that exist in the fictional universe, I think Satin Minions's Mistress Vallochar would be the characeter I'd love to meet. She trumps MCU, DC comics, and any others. Of course... she'd probably get exhausted with all the same requests...
Tay Pixie 2022-07-16 03:33:066 ♡
It must be hard for her in several ways. One, in her current state, is obvious: She's been turned into a woman, was straight, and is just following along the path of attraction to be a straight woman so she's naturally attracted to all this.

On the other hand, another thought that may go through her head is "God... I used to be that strong... Not anymore...."
Tay Pixie 2022-06-24 21:05:071 ♡
Whooooaa!!! Liara's butt! It's so perfect! Oh she can punch a wish into me ANY time!
Tay Pixie 2022-05-23 01:43:083 ♡
This moment is so hard on the psychological level. Realizing what you've lost (but at the same time, gained) from undergoing such a PERFECT transformation. There's no questions asked here.

You are the best TG MTF artist in the world. You capture it so brilliantly.

Thank you for doing what you do. The world needs more people like you.
Tay Pixie 2022-05-17 19:40:142 ♡
Feets! ^_^
Tay Pixie 2022-05-17 19:37:552 ♡
YESS! We finally get some emphasis on one of Alison's most under-appreciated assets: Her soft little feet. Thank you so much.
Tay Pixie 2022-05-06 20:42:552 ♡
This is so beautiful! Thanks so much for drawing it! You rock!

Alison's got such a lovely figure its amazing to see it from different angles!
Tay Pixie 2022-05-05 15:27:011 ♡
Oh my God. I love that vulnerable last pose. She's in for the fuck of her life! Can she handle it? She better
Tay Pixie 2022-03-09 22:54:252 ♡
Like seriously, can this be me tomorrow morning? Please and thank you!
Tay Pixie 2022-03-09 21:00:193 ♡
Wow... Don't know what her story is but damn... what a lucky girl!
Tay Pixie 2022-03-08 21:21:251 ♡
Can we get a side view of her, if you have time?

MMM... and a barefoot pose too?
Tay Pixie 2022-03-05 01:03:331 ♡
I think that this one would be good to tuck away as a stand-alone story for a rainy day down the line. A great Quarterback to Cheerleader TG story. Just too many fun possibilities to go from in this one! ^_^
Tay Pixie 2022-03-01 22:30:224 ♡

Oh my! She's a petite little thing. I guess it makes sense her feet would be that small too. My guess was a 5.

Great work!