Charlotte 2020-05-05 15:09:090 ♡
Surely there's, like, a happy medium? I mean isn't there a case to be made for a guy who knows and loves heterosexual sex and who hasn't ever fantasized about being a woman... still preferring heterosexual sex once he finds himself a she? Just, you know, not in some over-the-top way? I totally buy the argument that some TG'd men would be repulsed by men and never think otherwise but surely some who were into girls and, in particular, really got off on getting *them* off, would at least have a passing interest in experiencing things from the opposite perspective.
Charlotte 2015-08-17 08:25:311 ♡
and just to play Devil's Advocate... while I, too, am hoping the Mistress has a few 'tutorials', ultimately I want to see our little heroine snatched up by a man. But what ^^ they said. Not our story to tell. I'm just thrilled it exists at all.
Charlotte 2015-07-21 11:02:201 ♡
Again, that middle image. You're able to convey bliss and fear and exhaustion and lust all at once with just a few perfectly placed lines of her brow, lips, and chin. Your expressions are amazing.
Charlotte 2015-07-21 10:58:291 ♡
the form and posture of the image spanning panels 1 + 2... is so lovely and suggestive. the closed yes, that bend in the wrist, just perfect.
Charlotte 2014-09-11 18:46:543 ♡
//too stunned for words
Charlotte 2012-12-17 17:10:352 ♡
no ifs or buts from me. This is gorgeous. Thank you for making it.
Charlotte 2012-11-14 17:21:131 ♡
I love all these recent postings.
Charlotte 2012-10-12 21:26:183 ♡
So tender, I love it. The expressions on the face are like nothing else out there. She is gorgeous, and your work is amazing.
Charlotte 2012-10-04 07:48:301 ♡
I loved this so much! My only quibble is the nature of the plot didn't let you show off your phenomenal slow-change skills. For an instant transformation story this is amazing. Thank you and whoever paid the commission.
Charlotte 2012-10-04 07:44:242 ♡
Like being in yoga class, from an entirely new perspective. Her facial expressions are priceless.
Charlotte 2012-09-27 18:21:052 ♡
This feels so real to me. Thank you for this lovely work.
Charlotte 2012-09-27 18:19:233 ♡
Your work is just so wonderful.