The next tier of collars has finally been revealed! Thick iron ~> thin chains ~> glow stick. I think sausage links are next. As much as I enjoy the erotic art of Alison, I love it just as much when she's in high spirits. She's so contagiously happy!
I love to come back every so often and read through this story again, Its easily my favorite comic of yours.
Sometimes I notice a new detail; I love the fact that Anomia didn't fully hear what the wisher was saying because she was busy complimenting her own work lol.
It's a shame this is a "zero-skill user" tool as you called it. Definitely one of the best looking ones so far, AI often has a hard time keeping the iris / pupil consistent but it looks decent here! The hair bounces slightly and the blinking looks natural! I know the reason it looks good is because its barely moving the image, there is still a long way to go for tools to properly realize 2D images in a 3D space.
But I can see some uses for some of these tools now, you could add blinking eyes, animated hot breath, background weather conditions, any small thing that can flourish static images.
I am definitely not thrilled about the future of AI generation, I have a feeling it could get pretty dystopian. I am however much more excited for how these tools can ENHANCE art rather than how they can replace it.
Nudes of Alison in a cup of coffee has legs; I'm thinking a spinoff comic, cameos, jingles, brand deals, advertisements, heck put her nude in any liquid foodstuffs and she'll be a star! 5-10 years we'll see it go mainstream, HBO television, a whole new cinematic universe baby, that's my dream.
This is super hot! I love the expressions as she's crawling up to his cock and in the final panel when she is looking up at him! Is this one of your older unfinished pieces or a new WIP?
I was wondering what the context of this scene could POSSIBLY be so I watched the movie. I thought maybe she was possessed or something but nope, she's literally just checking herself out in the most weird and sensual way possible.
I had no idea what kind of movie this was lmao, its so fucking horny. There is a shapeshifting demon that takes the form of a cartoon dog that needs the bodies of the women to become free. The acting and the dialogue is horrendous and there isn't 5 minutes that go by without a comment on sex, a close up on their ass, or them showing their tits. It's a campy movie but it felt like the only reason this exists was to show off these women's bodies (they are super hot, don't get it twisted). Thanks for making me watch this horrible movie
I hope we get to see some of this story someday! I love the idea of a fun and ditzy slime girl trying to take on an adventurer herself, leading to some extremely cute and erotic interactions.
I can imagine Star trying to disarm him by attempting to remove his clothes and weapons only for her to surmise that his most vulnerable point must be in his pants lol.
Actually, I think Alison has a bit of an advantage since she's so well endowed, she doesn't need to push up nearly as far!
You guys are driving me crazy with the misspelling of Alison's name lol. Alison is spelled with one "L", it's shown that way everywhere on the site; Even on this page just look at the URL or the poll question. I don't understand it. Thank you!
That's something I notice with AI art often. Its like it produces these obviously full-figured women but then for whatever reason, it adds visible ribs that almost make them look gaunt lol.
Its hilarious some models would interpret any thin lines in the img as chains lol. The transformations between the different weights gives a pretty sweet effect! I was just curious, thanks for explaining!
Some of these are pretty great! Ive never used an AI img model, does it actually generate in real time or are these different prompts you refined to get the end results?
Also, I love her outfit! It's a shame none of them kept her chains :/.
In the second panel, Alison looks terrified and Torrin looks so smug with their conversation lol. When will Alison learn that she always ends up liking it in the end!
Sunday, March 24th at 8PM CET streaming on an undecided platform (probably Picarto). I'm pretty excited, we'll be presented 12 new genderbend transformations on the same day :)
This looks great, we're rooting for you! Will you be able to show the animation on Friday or does Surody want everyone to hold off until they've declared the winners?
I wonder if Alison still does a double take when she sees her reflection or if her old life is so far in the back of her mind that it doesn't register.
Also, Satin, you always do a bang up job on the fluids. I love how her drool flows down her chin and wisps away (although now that im writing this, the middle saliva strand seems to disappear for a few frames). Super hot
This AI image is so hot when you flip between this and the parent comic page. She is gorgeous and imagining the comic happening as real events is mind-blowingly intoxicating!
I had thought that it was left there by the movers negligence (or purposefully at Mistresses orders.) But the fact that Torrin took initiative to uncover the dildo in clear sight so it could stir in erotic thoughts (not that she wasn't already brimming with lust for him) is so hot! If he can plan this in the bedroom, imagine his skills as a commanding officer!
There is no doubt that fine tuning descriptors, cherry-picking outputs, and inpainting is more complicated / time consuming than at first glance. They lead to some stunning results! But the end product isnt anything we havent seen a million times before. I didnt become a patron to see AI generations of older images of Alison and others in an anime or realistic style. I became one for the amazing erotic comics and characters! And I stay as a patron to support an nsfw artist that I love!
Despite all of that, I still think that it has a place here! A couple AI generations have been great and its clear that others really dig it! I just wish that AI broke up the stream of drawings and comics and not the other way around.
God, it's so hot that she doesn't have any reference to her new body's pleasure, only that it feels really really good and the feeling keeps growing! Only when she's close does she attempt to attribute this sensation, but it's already too late to brace herself!
She better finish her plate if it means her body can keep making saliva and lube! That's essential for her position, which it seems like she is enjoying and embracing now! We're just glad that all of her other duties aren't wearing her down! In fact, I would expect that giving her so many other tasks around the station was intentional so as to come across crew in need of a morale boost!
I wonder if the guys are aware they're putting their dicks so close to a fission reactor lol. Also I can think of a few good reasons why being able to hold your breath for so long could come in handy ;).
You obviously put a lot of thought into the Morale Officer! Thank you. It's clear that the plausibility of her anatomy, character, and world is important! To add on to others, this is also my favorite character!
P.S. I'm worried that my comment on holding your breath was referring to blowjobs, well it was. But I think there is something needing equally critical thought. Space sex.
She deserves that extended reward for finishing the job so rigorously, she really gave it her all! And I love the lion's mane hair as she lies there in bliss!
Has it been established if her body is organic or is it synthetic? Like she's asking her internal A.I. if she needs sleep, does this mean she doesn't feel fatigue? And does she need food, water, and oxygen?
I wonder if Torrin actually likes Alison or if he just sees her as a piece of meat he can fuck and flaunt around. The way he agreed with Alison only to say "starting tomorrow" is a bit dismissive.
What are the phrases when the genies messing with her mind? Three were part of their customization, but the partially covered words always re(ady)- and -(h)orny wasnt ever mentioned. Was Anomia taking some artistic liberties?