SatinMinions Alison Rave 03
Alison Rave 03 High ResHigh Res
Become a Patron

jlv61560 2024-12-28 15:12:504 ♡
Hmm. I wonder how that plotline would go? :-)
Your Quiet Neighbor 2024-12-28 17:02:421 ♡
Oh, I would love to see an animated version of this image with Alison waving glow sticks around while high on black magic ecstasy!
Doctor Strange 2024-12-28 20:35:454 ♡
Looks like she's ready to be a one woman rainbow party
Yepa 2024-12-28 22:29:153 ♡
The next tier of collars has finally been revealed! Thick iron ~> thin chains ~> glow stick. I think sausage links are next. As much as I enjoy the erotic art of Alison, I love it just as much when she's in high spirits. She's so contagiously happy!
Sofia Silksoles 2024-12-29 09:14:093 ♡
Hehe! Maybe she's high after huffing a baloon of that special gas that was given to the victim in Deep Breath! A very special form of Nitrous! It'd probably have a very strong euphoric effect on already-turned ladies. I love this!
Your Quiet Neighbor 2024-12-29 15:26:502 ♡
@Sofia Silksoles:

The hybrid nitrous-oxide helium gas is imbued with a strong female libido hormone which goes straight to the genderswap vic~, I mean "volunteer's" pituitary gland, hyper-feminizing not just their body but also their mind, making them perpetually on the edge of arousal and very receptive to physical contact and sexual overtures, which they reciprocate without hesitation
Sofia Silksoles 2024-12-29 21:31:252 ♡
@Your Quiet Neighbor

Yes! Now imagine a scenario where the mistress(es) host a very special rave with all the happy dancing turned girls hopped up on the gas dancing to a sick beat, while the mistresses hand out balloons to all the men who enter... transforming them and having them join the other girls in their fun!
Sofia Silksoles 2024-12-30 08:32:541 ♡
And then as the effects of the gas eventually wears off, the music settles down to a calm low volume as all the girls collapse into a huge cuddle puddle, basking in the afterglow. The mistresses would collect all the girls, old ans new, and take them back to their brothels/convents.
SF 2025-02-20 03:09:201 ♡
is that a trans flag in her hair :3