It seems the genie isn't very careful doing these timeloop thingeeze and screwed up some details. I believe there are consequences however, which I can't wait to see.
so strangely enough, women see a more contrasted spectrum of colors then men. As most of these stories seem to be 'told' through the main character-ergo victim-the color's viewed can change.
Was a little worried by the cover and first couple pages that it would look too similar to Path of the Genie but I'm glad that it went through a Wizard of Oz shift! The color palette with the purple looks amazing and I think you knocked it out of the park with the character designs!
You'll notice she doesn't actually look like the woman he slept with before the transformation. Hairs a different color. I think she's about to realize this is a departure from the script
I only just now noticed that although events are so far proceeding almost exactly like in the first time through, SHE'S NOT BRUNETTE HERE, like she was the first time through. It's not a perfect time loop! Genie couldn't quite remember what the last thing was and guessed "long hair", but the actual request was "long dark hair". Are they gonna break time?
@Bad Thoughts, my best guess would be that, barring genie magic intervention saying otherwise, the child would essentially be a clone of whichever version of him they most closely matched chromosomally? (with all the chances of minor mutations, including the possibility of chromosomes being neither XX or XY, inherent in the reproduction process)
It'd have been a nice touch if Allison had been wearing the same bra & panty set ftd. in that one stand-alone animated panel where we see her face go thru several expressions as she checks out how she looks in them (the bra had a price tag still attached to it, and I think the panties had a heart-shaped front panel)!
That's it, Allison, back into Torrin's manhood (so much more than you ever had in your previous life) -- show him how much you want it and how much your cock-hungry pussy aches to be filled up with it and its cum!!!
My favorite parts of this Allison sketch are the subtle touches: the glimpse of the scalloped edge of the hem of her panties made visible by the action of the skirt of her dress flipping up; how the link on her neck chain is angled up slightly; how much her ample breasts heave upwards -- all of which combine to indicate how high she jumps in shocked response to being spanked so suddenly and with such strength!!