SatinMinions Idea Mistress Melody
Story Idea:

Fresh off her success with Alison and keen to advance in her roll as Mistress's apprentice, Melody takes on the training of two demonic twins. But with their defiant temperament and below-the-belt shape shifting ability, she may have taken on more than she can handle!

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Tay Pixie 2021-10-30 07:42:241 ♡
Haha! I love the look on the left twin's face. It seems to say "Is this lady for real right now?"
Your Quiet Neighbor 2022-05-21 23:36:470 ♡
My favorite thing about this panel is the contrast between the twins: the modesty of the one on the left vs. the IDGAF body language of her sister on the right -- I can tell she's gonna be a problem for Melody, but that'll just make her breaking all the more enjoyable to witness (perhaps she might need an assist from her mistress' in order to break her completely)!!
2022-05-22 04:21:441 ♡
yes please... I'd love to see these two get temperamental, shape-shift below the belt, and then 'defy' Melody from both ends at once, ifyaknowhatimean...
BMO 2022-05-24 12:40:331 ♡
Melody does seem the type to fall victim to clever thinking and teamwork. I'd like to see the Shy one brought out of her shell while her sister's taken down a few notches.
@SethAndStef 2022-05-28 22:47:031 ♡
I love the one twin trying to cover up, and the other one's looking at Mel like "No no, don't change the subject!"