>Is this the slave comic you are currently working on?
I sort of had two versions of this girl floating around - one in a fairly normal modern setting and one in a fantasy setting with the demonic mistress and slave scenario. This page is from when I was playing around with the modern setting.
>Do you have any idea how hard that is to actually do?
She gets a lot of practice... but really yeah it's physically impossible the way it's depicted here - unless his cock takes a 90 degree bend or enters her brain stem.
>Any chance this animation will ever be sketched out the rest of the way?
Maybe. There's a looped version where her arms and hair don't disappear in the upload queue.
I have some bits from this sequence that I could go back to, but I took the concepts and really punched them up for the miss mako transformation. This sequence seems kind of tame by comparison.
@Cooper, Thanks! I did the animation and the sound effects were added by Mako. He/she is pretty good at answering questions so you might go to the youtube page and ask.
I have talked to the person who commissioned this comic and they are interested in doing a new comic, so we'll see.
I've also been writing and laying out a TG/TF comic that I think I'd like to try selling here on the site. Lots of people have asked for premium content so I figure I'd try it.
I've also toyed with making a text and graphics adventure game that would work via the browser. I made some prototypes but it's a bit complicated and it would need some revisions before I even start making real content for it.
The sound effects were entirely Mako's doing, I just did the animation. I don't have any way of doing sound effects, though I could probably come up with something. The main barrier is voice acting.
>do you do any non erotic stuff, or any non TG stuff?
I don't really want to post my resume on my porn site, but I make video games and I have drawn some 3 panel comics, some of which have non-naked ladies in them.
I'm pretty bad at uploading content regularly, so what I've done is I've gone through and uploaded a bunch of old sketches and configured the site to post them automatically.
Some may be a bit repetitive but there should be a new image up every day for at least the next 3 months.
The previous comments you made under the username "Overlordman" were positive. Having some internal conflict? Don't project your own problems onto everyone else.
This is a commission piece so the customer picks the images - and it's just the two so far. They're good picks though because it gets right to the sexy fun time and everything else is successfully implied.
The thing about clothes ripping is that women are smaller than men everywhere except the hips - so maybe a burst button but that's about it. You'd be much more likely to see clothes ripping in FtM, but even then clothes are pretty stretchy.
Clothing transformations always seemed like a waste of power to me. Surely it's easier to go clothes shopping than it is to extend your magic spell/potion/nanomachine swarm/satanic ritual into an expert tailor, right? :)
>Can you like stitch together the sequences of him changing into a women and then end with he worshiping the cock?
Maybe. There are a lot of bits missing from such a sequence. I've thought about pulling the artwork of this girl into a comic or interactive fiction thing, not sure if I'll be able to pull that off though.
>Why do you usually put the male character with no movement?
Laziness mainly, plus it's hard to keep things lined up when both characters are moving but I am working on this.
>A blowjob coercion animation would be interesting to see
I could probably produce more content if I turned down my mental filter, but I'd still be worried about producing enough content on a consistent basis to satisfy a membership.
Many people have told me they would pay for more material and the site is getting 1000+ visitors a day so it's probably worth doing. I have been thinking about doing a premium comic on a pay-what-you-want scale, perhaps with a bonus animation if you pay more than the average.
I'll be posting yet another bj animation on friday (what can I say, they're fun to animate) and I've got a pretty good animation loop planned out for Slave-Girl-Surrender-01.
Unfortunately my time has just been taken up by other projects and the last animation took way more time than I had anticipated which was kind of discouraging. I do feel kind of bad for not replying to the people who have messaged me about commissions, so sorry about that.
Well, spam bot, you've come to the right place! Every one of these lovely ladies is a certified lending specialist. Just have a seat and someone will be right with you.
The male form in general doesn't really float my boat. I'd consider it in the context of male and female both changing simultaneously or a female changing in order to dominate another female.
You wake up slowly. You feel groggy and dazed. "Oohf" Your muscles burn as you sit up - sore all over. You look down and gasp. A soft curvaceous body is laid out underneath your gaze. Moving as you move. Breasts rising and falling with each panicked breath. It wasn't a dream, the transformation was real. That's your body.
Metal cuffs jingle from your wrists and you can feel something similar around your neck. Solid metal rings with no visible clasp - magically attached. There's no escaping it - you're a slave. And there's only one reason to give a slave a body like this...
This is one shot from an animation I'm producing on commission. It is a different sequence than the others I've posted recently although the theme is similar. I'll be posting another segment from this tomorrow so stay tuned.
I sort of had two versions of this girl floating around - one in a fairly normal modern setting and one in a fantasy setting with the demonic mistress and slave scenario. This page is from when I was playing around with the modern setting.