Admin 2014-10-12 16:04:041 ♡
>how many pages is the new comic?

The first chapter is ~22 pages and covers transformation. I plan on uploading a new page once a week.
Admin 2014-10-12 11:04:171 ♡
>broken link

That's the cover of the latest comic which is currently up for patreon supporters, so it's not in the img folder yet. I've fixed the search page to show the proper link.

Also, you weren't supposed to be able to comment on the high res version of this image (I moved your post here). Was there another bug in the site or are you a clever person?
Admin 2014-10-11 02:51:461 ♡
>I was trying to get off

Admin 2014-09-20 18:00:181 ♡
>she fly?

She's standing on the rope ladder.
Admin 2014-09-20 00:32:150 ♡
>Do you have a patreon?

It's not quite ready for prime time but it exists.
Admin 2014-09-18 08:27:181 ♡
@CrystalDryad I've added a fan art page:
Admin 2014-09-13 23:47:291 ♡
Well she's wearing clothes, which is a bit unusual for her, and her bra strap sort of pushes her shirt up at this angle.

Also this is an older image that I colored recently and I may have drifted slightly less huge on her over time.
Admin 2014-09-13 23:44:451 ♡
>Can you make a FtM animation?
Admin 2014-09-08 19:51:152 ♡
I'd say it's more fear/nervous anticipation than glee, but I'm glad you like it.
Admin 2014-09-07 20:25:163 ♡
>I request a comic.

I've been working on one.. slowly. I've got about 10 pages done but I've started in the middle so I've got to work backwards for a bit before I can start posting.

It's also pretty long - the first volume/issue/whatever that I'm working on just covers intro and transformation.

I plan to do a patreon for it once I get a good buffer built up. It'll still be on the site for free, but patrons would get early access to pages, sketches, maybe a request queue, that sort of thing.
Admin 2014-09-07 20:01:090 ♡
I think I can manage that.
Admin 2014-08-06 17:56:430 ♡
>You're giving nagas den a run for their money


Ahem well.. I've certainly got the edge on web design...
Admin 2014-07-28 06:10:301 ♡
This one probably
Admin 2014-07-05 19:17:201 ♡
>you forgot a tag, there's a touch of x-ray in this

Admin 2014-07-03 09:00:150 ♡
There's a few related sketches:
Admin 2014-06-13 19:10:520 ♡
This is actually just a 50x50 pixel version that someone wanted for their deviantArt avatar. I should probably just link it in the description of the main version.
Admin 2014-06-01 07:49:070 ♡
>or is it just a kinky demonic role-play the mistress cooked up for her slave?

It's her origin, though the "true form" aspect could just be a mind game. Or it could play out like the end of ghostbusters: whatever you do, don't think of a girl - shit.
Admin 2014-05-31 17:16:512 ♡
>is he someone who has been tricked/forced into changing into a sexy little female form against his will, and now as a sex-slave

Pretty much that. I'll just post the sketch page I did, since I might change it up a bit for the final comic.

>Why do we never see a gender swap between the legs?

I dunno, I started a few animations that didn't work out. I've got a bit of it in the comic version. Doesn't float my boat as much as the rest.
Admin 2014-05-30 21:45:312 ♡
>I expected him to become shorter

He actually becomes a lot shorter, the animation just tracks on the face. Here's the height chart:
Admin 2014-05-27 16:23:430 ♡
Update: I found an abyssal font, so now if I do more of this it can be nerdily accurate.
Admin 2014-05-27 16:01:190 ♡
>is there a place from which you got the demonic script?

The font is "Eladrin" which I believe I picked up from Eladrin are like elves in D&D. I researched it and if she's a tiefling she should technically be speaking abyssal, but I couldn't find a good font for it.
Admin 2014-05-26 02:56:590 ♡
>Have you noticed if you've been getting more traffic to the site recently?

Here's a graph:

Got a pretty good bump in traffic when I had a featured image, but it's returned to normal levels. I haven't had much new content up in that period though (vacation), so perhaps it's better than it would otherwise be. HF is now easily the #1 referrer to the site.
Admin 2014-05-25 11:58:200 ♡
>is there a link to the origin picture?

Yes, I've added it to the description.
Admin 2014-05-24 19:01:450 ♡
Hah, well it'd have to be a bit more subtle than that. She has agency you know. She's nobody's slave.
Admin 2014-05-22 17:12:510 ♡
This one?

Her body isn't quit right there but, yeah pretty much. You can tell by the length of her hair :p
Admin 2014-05-21 00:23:362 ♡
Yeah, I checked the logs and it seemed to be everyone's favorite sketch as far as clicking on things goes. Figured I better color it.
Admin 2014-05-20 22:59:321 ♡
I've been told that it's possible to wear girls clothes even if you're not a girl.
Admin 2014-05-20 18:46:420 ♡
>That was you?!

Admin 2014-05-18 06:21:050 ♡
It's really just a joke interpretation of "being violated by ant monster girls". I have no idea who Tomoko is.
Admin 2014-05-18 05:49:520 ♡
Alrighty, I have updated the site:
- added index pages for the comics
- used CSS instead of JS to resize images to the window
- replaced some tables with CSS
- narrower text columns for readability / mobile viewing
- made character tag images consistent
- removed extraneous borders and lines

The main change is that the site now works decently on mobile.

If things look weird try hitting ctrl+f5 to refresh your cache.

Might change the logo still, dunno.
Admin 2014-05-12 20:54:310 ♡
I basically took the piss out of some requests on 4chan. There are 5 more like this in the upload queue.
Admin 2014-05-11 19:12:380 ♡
@John, It's just a random idea, I have tagged anything that is sequential or has words in it as a "comic"
Admin 2014-04-06 22:23:230 ♡
>Would love to see this go beyond rough someday.

Uh... oh wait you mean the sketch quality, don't you. I thought you meant "beyond rough" like super-rapey.
Admin 2014-03-30 15:27:310 ♡
>Why don't you have a hentai foundry account by the way?

I guess I've always considered having my own site to be a superset of what any 3rd party site could provide. But I'll give it a try.
Admin 2014-03-17 09:29:530 ♡
Somehow, you've discovered the only logical flaw in this entire story!
Admin 2014-03-12 17:01:201 ♡
Not everything is a body swap, but feel free to imagine anything.
Admin 2014-03-08 19:51:181 ♡
A little from column A, a little from column B
Admin 2014-02-23 20:02:500 ♡
GIF version here:
Admin 2014-02-23 19:52:161 ♡
The current comic I'm working on, "Her Favorite Client" will have an animated page.
Admin 2014-02-23 16:21:410 ♡
I guess I've hit the big time. What bothers me the most is the incorrect aspect ratio.
Admin 2014-01-08 13:50:200 ♡
>Do you take requests by any chance?

You can certainly make a request, but I'm only going to do it if I want to.
Admin 2014-01-07 23:12:000 ♡
>But this legs should be more... curved?

Curved how?
Admin 2013-12-27 07:10:461 ♡
Fairy spell complications.
Admin 2013-12-27 00:20:091 ♡
>Can you post a download link?
I don't have a mp4 or whatever of the final mix. Plus since I did the animation on commission and didn't do the sound, it would probably not be cool for me to post it. If you absolutely have to play it offline you can use a youtube downloader like the ant browser plugin.

>(use adfly to get paid for downloads)
I'd bet that adfly doesn't allow adult content. Sure, I might get away with it for a little while, but all it takes is one disgruntled hanger-on (and I have many) to report me and I lose all my magical e-dollars.
Admin 2013-12-26 23:54:340 ♡
>It could be LINK from Zelda!

It could be, but this started out as my interpretation of Pirotess under some kind of mind control. I've actually drawn female link a couple times, some of which are on the site. She's got a character tag.
Admin 2013-12-23 06:19:281 ♡
@jinsin, Thanks, but really it's just 3 pictures with a blur transition between them.
Admin 2013-12-18 23:29:101 ♡
>I don't see how this is sexy

I've been told that some people have a strong, almost sexual desire to procreate.
Admin 2013-12-18 07:29:442 ♡
This page, the nun panel and two upcoming pages are some requests I took for fun and practice. I like to take a vague idea and fill out a page to imply a larger story.

The "costume party" panel I did using my characters for a contest on dA. The rest are random scenes or story ideas of mine.
Admin 2013-12-12 11:36:491 ♡
Bah. Fixed.
Admin 2013-11-30 16:15:311 ♡
>hoping for more
This was a commission based on a short story (I've added a link above), and this is where it ends. Additional scenes would depend on the customer.

>so when can we expect your next comic, or the slave girl comic?
Slave girl comic won't be for a while. I've got a start on around 11 out of the 30 pages. I'd like to finish the whole thing before publishing since I tend to lose interest otherwise.

Other comics depend on what sort of commissions pop up.