That's the cover of the latest comic which is currently up for patreon supporters, so it's not in the img folder yet. I've fixed the search page to show the proper link.
Also, you weren't supposed to be able to comment on the high res version of this image (I moved your post here). Was there another bug in the site or are you a clever person?
I've been working on one.. slowly. I've got about 10 pages done but I've started in the middle so I've got to work backwards for a bit before I can start posting.
It's also pretty long - the first volume/issue/whatever that I'm working on just covers intro and transformation.
I plan to do a patreon for it once I get a good buffer built up. It'll still be on the site for free, but patrons would get early access to pages, sketches, maybe a request queue, that sort of thing.
This is actually just a 50x50 pixel version that someone wanted for their deviantArt avatar. I should probably just link it in the description of the main version.
>or is it just a kinky demonic role-play the mistress cooked up for her slave?
It's her origin, though the "true form" aspect could just be a mind game. Or it could play out like the end of ghostbusters: whatever you do, don't think of a girl - shit.
>is there a place from which you got the demonic script?
The font is "Eladrin" which I believe I picked up from Eladrin are like elves in D&D. I researched it and if she's a tiefling she should technically be speaking abyssal, but I couldn't find a good font for it.
Got a pretty good bump in traffic when I had a featured image, but it's returned to normal levels. I haven't had much new content up in that period though (vacation), so perhaps it's better than it would otherwise be. HF is now easily the #1 referrer to the site.
Alrighty, I have updated the site: - added index pages for the comics - used CSS instead of JS to resize images to the window - replaced some tables with CSS - narrower text columns for readability / mobile viewing - made character tag images consistent - removed extraneous borders and lines
The main change is that the site now works decently on mobile.
If things look weird try hitting ctrl+f5 to refresh your cache.
>Can you post a download link? I don't have a mp4 or whatever of the final mix. Plus since I did the animation on commission and didn't do the sound, it would probably not be cool for me to post it. If you absolutely have to play it offline you can use a youtube downloader like the ant browser plugin.
>(use adfly to get paid for downloads) I'd bet that adfly doesn't allow adult content. Sure, I might get away with it for a little while, but all it takes is one disgruntled hanger-on (and I have many) to report me and I lose all my magical e-dollars.
It could be, but this started out as my interpretation of Pirotess under some kind of mind control. I've actually drawn female link a couple times, some of which are on the site. She's got a character tag.
This page, the nun panel and two upcoming pages are some requests I took for fun and practice. I like to take a vague idea and fill out a page to imply a larger story.
The "costume party" panel I did using my characters for a contest on dA. The rest are random scenes or story ideas of mine.
>hoping for more This was a commission based on a short story (I've added a link above), and this is where it ends. Additional scenes would depend on the customer.
>so when can we expect your next comic, or the slave girl comic? Slave girl comic won't be for a while. I've got a start on around 11 out of the 30 pages. I'd like to finish the whole thing before publishing since I tend to lose interest otherwise.
Other comics depend on what sort of commissions pop up.
The first chapter is ~22 pages and covers transformation. I plan on uploading a new page once a week.