Thanks! I was looking for something like that so I could improve the timing of sub animations. I have updated the code so now the blinking in panel 3 happens on its own timescale. I also added support for multiple sub animations and opacity changes, which I used to add random blushing to panel 3.
>How many pages in total will this comic be? Unknown. It's more of an ongoing serial type thing. The Patreon is going well and people seem to like it, so I'm going to continue at this pace. She's going to be out of the cell by page 28, which seems like a good chapter split. I have story, dialog and some scenes in mind after that but I do not have page layouts yet.
>How long have you been drawing for? Since I was a child. I've always drawn as a hobby. I have sporadically put in effort to improve but mostly just progressed naturally. The oldest stuff on this site is about 10 years old.
>So did her voice just change Yes. Like when you go to say something and your voice is all raspy, then you clear your throat and sound different. Really, her little yelp in panel 2 should be interrupted.
>Are you sure in the light that falls on her right breast. >That bump on her chest in the last panel Her boobs are huge and soft. When she grabs them, they squish. Maybe I made a mistake, but I'm not seeing it the way you guys apparently are. Maybe I'll see it later.
>slight animation I've been trying to find a good way to do this. Making the whole page a gif makes the file huge and loses a lot of color data. I can't get HTML5 video to play correctly on my phone - it used to work and now it doesn't, it appears to be a bug in chrome. Even when it works correctly, mobile browsers often don't respect autoplay or hidecontrols settings.
I've also considered just hacking out a javascript thing to overlay small images. It would give a lot more control over the animation. Like but with a better preloader.
>Do you have a specific day I've been shooting for Saturdays. Shouldn't have any problem making it on time for the next few weeks.
It's a bit of a snap back to reality after the altered state of the transformation. She had time to sleep it off and for a moment it all seemed like a dream.
The bottom girl in this pic is a different character than the lighter chains girl, although the roles are similar. Also it's a modern day setting here. Just playing around with different settings and character variations.
>You haven't been uploading this (or anything else for that matter) to hentai-foundry
I guess I got a little sheepish about it because nothing sexually explicit happens in the comic until right here. 99% of the content on HF is explicit and it just seemed out of place.
I haven't uploaded anything else because I don't have anything else. I've uploaded the best old stuff already and all I've done lately is the comic.
I updated this to use html5 video instead of flash. Still having loading problems on android chrome, but it looks like google just decided to break that some time in the last 6 months.
>Are we going to get a look into her thought process
I dunno, this scenario occurring out of the blue is a bit wacky - might make more sense to occur sometime after the animation. I've got a few ideas to pull it together but nothing final yet.
The double posting thing isn't your fault, there's some weird stuff with the caching on the site that makes new comments not show up immediately. I need to AJAX-ify it.
A stream seems like it'd end up sad and lonely. I might record a timelapse.
There is quite a bit of the blablah, I'll admit nothing really happens until page 9. But I've seen people mention that they hate the transform-in-one-page->jump-on-all-the-dicks formula, so we're stretching it out a bit.
Shading is just a layer over top of everything. I'll try different colors and gradients, then scroll through the layer combine methods until it looks good.
For motion blur or depth of field, I'll flatten the whole image, copy and paste it as a new layer, apply various blurs, then use mask to reveal the unblurred image below in key areas.
That about covers it. I should probably make a process/tutorial page since people ask about it a lot.
If you look at the sketch vs final here: You can see that I changed the arms, hair, and clothes, and fixed some proportion/perspective problems on her hips and thighs. I always put clothes, face, and arms on separate layers because they can make a big difference to the tone of the image and often overlap everything, making it difficult to change if it's all one layer.
I merge all the line layers together when I start coloring. I used to keep them all separate but you end up navigating the layers too much to do cleanup. I'll experiment with colors on different layers, but once I know what I'm doing I'll merge them. On comics or animations where I already know what the palette is, it's definitely easier and faster to color all on one layer. Sometimes I'll keep clothing as layer to do transparency effects.
I usually start with a 3D model for reference to get the overall proportions and pose. Then I'll move over to photoshop and make a stick figure, adjust arm position and whatnot, then do the lines.
I don't do hairy line sketches anymore, I try to go straight to near final lines. I draw each line as quickly and smoothly as I can, and if I mess up I'll just undo and draw it again. Sometimes I undo, you know, 20 times in a row. But that's fine.
I end up with a bunch of disconnected lines, and that makes it easier to tweak things. If I notice her spine is crooked say, I can easily cut out her upper body and move it around without having to redraw too much. I also put some parts on separate layers. In this picture I notice that her rear arm is maybe a bit short or has some weird perspective on it, but her arms are on a separate layer so it's easy to fix.
>It keeps forcing me to reenter a captcha response to browse
This is cloudflare's protection mechanism. If they detect malicious traffic coming from a particular IP address they will require a captcha to continue. Any given tor exit node is going to be shared by a lot of different people and if one of them does something bad, everyone using the node shares the consequences. That's probably why your comment got flagged as spam as well.
Given the spam/threat climate on the internet, I don't plan on disabling this feature, but thanks for letting me know.