SatinMinions measure1b
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Floopy Floink 2014-11-29 23:47:151 ♡
I like how the ruler is ribbed --for her pleasure. ;)
Lurker 2014-11-30 00:39:201 ♡
Magical ruler: makes things grow...
2014-11-30 00:46:391 ♡
In answer to the question, "What is the size of that thing???" (
2014-11-30 00:47:200 ♡
Dear Admin: lol!
redneckdemon 2014-11-30 11:59:151 ♡
Fantastic reaction to the comments!

I love the look of pride in her eyes! Or is that envy? Could be my bias for non-consensual TFs talking. In any event, very well played! I love your style. Even the rough sketches make me smile.
Blah 2014-11-30 19:26:280 ♡
I made a caption for this one if you want to read it

By the way, I keep getting a strange error message when I try to comment that says:

Not Found

The requested URL /login was not found on this server.
Admin 2014-11-30 20:49:341 ♡
> I keep getting a strange error message when I try to comment

Hunh.. How long has that bug been there? *checks code repo* Oh, forever? That's cool. Fixed now.
Vami 2014-12-03 07:22:590 ♡

Admin 2014-12-07 00:36:071 ♡
>I made a caption

2014-12-13 16:50:431 ♡
Are we going to get a look into her thought process and see how she went from "I'm not fucking anyone" to "hmm, I look good in lingerie, and that cock is pretty huge..." to the final animation?
Admin 2014-12-16 10:44:361 ♡
>Are we going to get a look into her thought process

I dunno, this scenario occurring out of the blue is a bit wacky - might make more sense to occur sometime after the animation. I've got a few ideas to pull it together but nothing final yet.
Scots 2015-03-22 21:42:311 ♡
I would assume a service droid could measure length just by looking
Admin 2015-03-23 05:24:411 ♡
>service droid

She's not a robot, she's a cyborg. A human brain in a robot body. Like Ghost in the Shell. Or Sealab 2021.