Admin 2016-05-15 22:57:230 ♡
The blink track, randomized speed/depth changes, and blushing overlay in the third panel can't be done with a simple animated gif.
Admin 2016-04-27 15:43:090 ♡
I imagine the demons as semi-modern interlopers on a more primitive fantasy world. The have some raw technology advantage and some magic-as-technology-replacement. For instance, the lights in vol. 2 page 7 may be gas lighting or some kind of magical component that gives off a low glow indefinitely. Their tech advantage is not overwhelming, but it's enough to make everyone nervous leading to minor conflicts.

Perhaps humans are seen as a resource used to create a population more suitable to this world, or perhaps they just find them particularly enjoyable in bed. Either way, human/demon half breeds like mistress are common in their society.
Admin 2016-04-25 08:20:160 ♡
Nah, she's got her legs crossed
Admin 2016-04-16 02:04:110 ♡
>Wednesday or Saturday

I dunno. I suppose if I upload on Wednesday but you think I upload on Saturday, so you don't come back till Saturday, the picture will be there, so it'll be just like I uploaded on Saturday.
Admin 2016-04-14 23:57:450 ♡
I don't think there's been any brainwashing yet?
Admin 2016-04-13 18:05:000 ♡
Ho ho! That hot curtain on vase action! Where is this going?
Admin 2016-03-16 03:41:480 ♡
I go per-page instead of per-month because I don't want to take money if I don't upload anything. Patreon lets you to set a monthly limit, so you won't get burned if I upload a ton of pages at once. I usually aim for one page a week.
Admin 2016-03-15 15:39:490 ♡
>volume III in the foreseeable future?

Yeah, probably. I want to get a little bit of a buffer built up first.
Admin 2016-03-15 15:29:341 ♡
I have a story outline but it's way too long. The part that appeals to me the most is actually before the good/bad page where lady Link would have a reasonably consensual encounter with Ganon without knowing that he's the 'bad guy'. This would then make any future conflicts rather embarrassing for her.
Admin 2016-03-13 19:56:040 ♡
The real thing preventing her from going super saiyan is that she's not a saiyan.
Admin 2016-02-27 21:26:310 ♡
>this isn't the 'right place' to suggest something

Nah, this is probably the best place to do it. It keeps the context with the image.
Admin 2016-02-27 21:24:310 ♡
Assuming my recent updates to the site work as intended, this image should go public automatically some time on March 1st.
Admin 2016-02-27 20:11:310 ♡
>apologize is one 'p'

See, the problem is that photoshop doesn't have spell check.
Admin 2016-02-21 19:44:010 ♡
This is currently a one off, even though it seems like it isn't. The other page is something else entirely, which is why they're both in the miscellaneous section.

This was a patreon request, which I have done very few of, but it gave me some good ideas on how to put the story together so there may be more of this.
Admin 2016-02-21 11:33:090 ♡
Super Saiyan, a transformation state from the popular anime Dragon Ball Z. It involves screaming a lot and making hair turn yellow and stand up, thereby increasing your power level.
Admin 2016-02-15 23:20:000 ♡
>Any chance of this getting some color?

Admin 2016-02-12 20:11:450 ♡
>The RSS feed stopped working

Pretty sure it does work and I just haven't uploaded anything in like a month. Well there are some sketches now, so there's that.
Admin 2016-01-09 23:32:001 ♡
I try to upload a page once a week (although I have failed lately). New stuff goes up on patreon first, then 2 weeks or so later it goes up for the public.
Admin 2016-01-09 16:46:332 ♡
Your homework assignment is to stick something in your ass and write a report about whether or not you would remain asleep in that scenario.
Admin 2015-12-14 22:39:181 ♡
Javascript is required. Also the latest version of firefox is 42.0, so you should probably update.
Admin 2015-12-07 18:01:390 ♡
Thanks for the heads up, should be fixed now.
Admin 2015-11-27 12:40:030 ♡
>penis should be positioned higher

Nah, they're attached pretty low down. Check out the cross sections here:
Real life strap-ons are often higher up for structural reasons, but in this particular fantasy universe strap-on technology is highly advanced.
Admin 2015-11-08 14:37:251 ♡
I'm currently developing my own animation software and I've set the somewhat ambitious goal of not posting anything until I can make it in my own program. Line animations probably aren't too far off.
Admin 2015-10-31 03:25:141 ♡
It's not my youtube channel so I can't change the settings. I will convert it to a local copy of the movie and move the comments over.
Admin 2015-08-27 16:16:280 ♡
I don't always have something specific in mind when I change the color palette, but I like the varied interpretations. As far as magical manipulation, conventional manipulation, or the transformation being more than skin deep - slave girl doesn't know so we don't either.

Keep in mind that since she's the one 'telling' the story, we might not be getting a completely honest assessment of her motivation.
Admin 2015-08-27 16:04:020 ♡
On this page, I found that past tense allowed for some interesting ways to describe things. For example, if you convert the second paragraph to present tense it just doesn't work. Past tense makes the introspection a more believable.

Going forward, the past tense narration can be used to convey embarrassment and post-act rationalization. The thoughts can say "it's not like I wanted to" but the action can clearly indicate that she did.
Admin 2015-08-27 16:03:440 ♡
Past tense narration is just a story telling convention, it doesn't mean that someone is actually telling the story. The New Fit ending was a joke on the convention. I don't think this: sort of ending would be a good idea here.

I picked past tense narration because it made the most sense for the transformation scene. It's hard to get believable present tense thoughts from a character who is having some intense unknown experience. It would either end up realistic and not contributing to the story, ie "what the fuck is happening!" over and over again; or it would be implausibly level headed ie "hmm I appear to be losing consciousness".
Admin 2015-08-04 16:48:270 ♡
You'll have to refresh, possibly with ctrl+f5 to clear the cached image.
Admin 2015-08-02 12:58:410 ♡
Admin 2015-08-01 10:12:110 ♡
>when will this go public?

Whenever I make a color image to replace it.
Admin 2015-07-21 02:54:440 ♡
>needs an "a" in their somewhere

Admin 2015-07-07 21:00:050 ♡
Prepare to be disappointed.
Admin 2015-05-29 01:41:061 ♡
>Is this frame by frame ?

Admin 2015-05-28 02:16:130 ♡
Willing/unwilling, restrained/unrestrained, slow buildup/quick action, there's clearly no pleasing everyone.

I'm going to try to strike a balance between a plausible breaking-in period and actually having some action. That probably means there will be some teases and some people will be upset, but I think we can handle it.
Admin 2015-05-24 13:37:520 ♡
>Will this kind of limited animation be featured in all of vol. 2 or just in certain parts like the cover?

I'm going to take it one page at a time and see what works and what I have time for.

>Also any chance the slave girl's dress happened to be made from her old shirt?

I imagine the cloth weight to be different, with her 'dress' being much lighter. So no. I suppose I drew his shirt as transparent through most of the transformation but that was mainly during the acid-trippy part where the coloring is there to convey emotion and action rather than actual appearance.
Admin 2015-05-17 18:03:391 ♡
I ran out of pages at the same time as I went on a physical vacation, I was going to work ahead but I got caught up in other work so I had nothing to upload for a while.

I'm back now and working on the next page, still in the line art phase. I had a bit of difficulty since I'm a bit out of practice.
Admin 2015-05-13 17:49:021 ♡
>Have you thought about doing one with Sheik?

Sheik is already gender-swapped (disguised?) princess Zelda, so now we're swapping her back? Or keeping him male? Is he/she the top or bottom? I'm gonna need a flowchart here.
Admin 2015-05-07 00:14:510 ♡
I'm on a trip and did not plan ahead correctly, so it's going to be a few days.
Admin 2015-05-02 10:58:330 ♡
>What's up with the slave girl's lips?

I drew the pages at different times and sort of couldn't decide.
Admin 2015-04-29 19:19:200 ♡
Admin 2015-04-28 20:51:060 ♡
If you're looking for a long haired sub girl, I'm afraid you've arrived at the wrong comic.
Admin 2015-04-28 16:13:230 ♡
>People shouldn't let anyone else use their toys.

>why not create a separate page for similar things/links

I don't know what I'd link to. I'm not really a content aggregator.
Admin 2015-04-28 15:55:090 ♡
>So is she tearing up because she realizes she has zero chance of being a man again or is it something else?

Well she's naked, trapped in a tiny room, being mocked by scary person who has a huge amount of control over her - it's a high stress scenario. I've seen a few TG comics with crying and it usually comes across as an unpleasant tonal shift or cheap ploy to make things 'mature'. That's not really where I want to go with this, so this is probably as teary as things are going to ever get.

>Where was she keeping that dress this whole time?
Admin 2015-04-24 12:12:040 ♡
>Are you going to make anymore tg animation?

Admin 2015-04-21 03:27:321 ♡
Slave girl has become significantly shorter from the transformation. Her change in height is now more apparent to her because she has someone to compare to. I don't really know how to make it clearer in the comic without "oh now i am teh little girl" type narration.
Admin 2015-04-19 23:13:510 ♡
Admin 2015-04-19 04:38:310 ♡
>Why is this a Gender Swap?
Admin 2015-04-18 21:55:090 ♡
HD versions should be updated now.
Admin 2015-04-18 00:26:481 ♡
>why does his name tag isnt affected

Because it's made of metal.
Admin 2015-04-16 17:44:080 ♡
>Can you make her tits get bigger

I think they're already at the limits of good taste.