Admin 2017-06-02 17:35:090 ♡
>Is the balance of power shifting a little?

We'll have to wait and see! Keeping up a purely dominant facade is hard work.

>So was the mercenary a virgin before he was transformed into a woman?

She's not exactly overflowing with confidence, is she? Any experience he might have had before doesn't really apply here.
Admin 2017-05-20 11:53:490 ♡
Or maybe doing her taxes, or trying to figure out the security questions on her online banking accounts. The possibilities are endless!
Admin 2017-05-20 10:15:081 ♡
Hah pretty much. That's why you should always make your plot be "oops i'm a girl, time to jump on all the dicks!"
Admin 2017-05-09 18:41:370 ♡
Admin 2017-05-09 18:32:360 ♡
There are no body changes in the second frame.
Admin 2017-05-09 18:31:500 ♡
I dunno man this one's a little weird. I do like how the art turned out though.
Admin 2017-05-09 18:29:551 ♡
Thematically it could end here, but I've already drawn more pages so you're getting them.
Admin 2017-05-02 16:25:401 ♡
I really wish Photoshop had spell check.
Admin 2017-03-28 22:25:460 ♡
>upload schedule

I plan to post the next page on Friday. How would you like to get updates? There is an rss feed, would you prefer an email list?
Twitter bot? Something else?
Admin 2017-03-27 00:23:220 ♡
The 404s shouldn't effect anything, the solution on my end is just to have blank placeholder images or just not attempt to preload those images since they aren't used. The animation changes speed and pattern randomly so will sometimes do things that look laggy - it's a tossup between variety and weirdness. I'm only getting ~1% cpu usage from this tab, and it runs fine on my phone.

There is also a rare bug where the primary animation frame will become transparent, but I haven't figured that one out yet.
Admin 2017-03-24 20:16:080 ♡
This page contains an animation that requires javascript. If the animation freezes, press ctrl+F5 to clear the page cache.
Admin 2017-03-03 20:49:010 ♡
I aim for weekly. I'm going to try to work ahead a bit on patreon and keep the public posts consistent.
Admin 2017-03-03 15:46:150 ♡
>why are their cochlea skin toned?

If you can see anybody's cochlea, you must have *very* good eyesight. If you mean cornea, by which you mean sclera, Alison has very pale skin and the contrast tends to be overwhelmed by dramatic lighting. I suppose I could compensate for this but then you can get a glow-in-the-dark effect. Drawing is hard.
Admin 2017-03-02 23:26:590 ♡
Right now!
Admin 2017-03-01 18:27:260 ♡
I like a size difference, but shrinking beyond normal petite lady stature doesn't really do anything for me.
Admin 2017-02-13 20:41:070 ♡
>Are the designs your own?

Simple stuff I just make up, complicated things have a reference. I usually find something on pinterest and maybe modify it a bit. This page is based off of this image:

If you want authentic cosplay, be prepared to spend a lot:

Furniture in mistress's apartment is mid-century modern stuff I found on SketchUp.
Admin 2017-02-11 21:48:280 ♡

Admin 2017-02-01 21:38:570 ♡
It's not the exact same image but this is pretty much volume 2 page 24
Admin 2016-12-11 17:28:152 ♡
No. There's some weird extra lines from her hair being in her face. I'll edit it a bit.
Admin 2016-11-29 06:02:341 ♡
It's a fine line between fostering a healthy sex drive and general obedience. Mistress's goal here is Alison's complete submission, and she's chosen her words to get that.

Sex is a constant - it's happening no matter what Alison does. The punishment is the lack of intimacy.
Admin 2016-11-27 05:58:353 ♡
>I wanted simple TG tf comics to read and laugh at

Unh huh... sure you did.
Admin 2016-11-21 03:34:080 ♡
>locked down onto the bed

Spoiler: They're on the floor. My aversion to backgrounds has finally caught up with me.
Admin 2016-11-06 09:58:030 ♡
>Do you sell collections?

Almost everything is on the site already, not sure what I could sell.
Admin 2016-10-28 06:29:140 ♡
Admin 2016-10-01 09:14:321 ♡
>Is this abandoned?

Yeah I drew this in like 2009, possibly earlier. If I was going to continue it I'd probably want to start over.
Admin 2016-09-30 04:47:450 ♡
The first three pages have animation effects that require javascript.
Admin 2016-09-28 17:49:250 ♡
>when will the next one be coming out?

Admin 2016-09-20 23:56:020 ♡
Our heroine's condition is not unique, but still exceedingly rare. Melody seems like a regular girl to me.
Admin 2016-09-15 03:21:320 ♡
Thanks, tags added.
Admin 2016-09-15 00:21:400 ♡
Just a combined version of page 1 and 2.
Admin 2016-09-13 12:29:190 ♡
>show any other aspects of the Demons' society
I feel like most people are probably here for sexy time rather than politics, and things are slow enough as it is. It's the sort of thing I'd like to hint at rather than dive into.
Admin 2016-09-13 12:25:430 ♡
In the first chapter Mistress talked about turning people into monsters for use as weapons - arguably evil activity - but she justifies it as simply unleashing the beast that was already inside them.

Mistress is a provacateur for sure. She has that temptation and manipulation style. She likes to see her victims stumble down the mental steps to submission and she has no qualms about pushing them if necessary because she thinks they'll be happier once they learn to serve properly. She smiles with the satisfaction of being right, not the thrill of conquest.

At least, that's what she would say.
Admin 2016-09-13 12:25:260 ♡
Conceptually, I have two different ideas of what a demon is. First is the lord of a particular domain - a manifestation of a particular aspect of nature or human behavior. Any "evil" qualities they exhibit would be the result of valuing this one aspect at the expense of others. The second concept is more of a general provacateur - a mischief maker or facilitator of human temptation and folly. These two concepts tend to overlap and blur together.

The traditional "satan" character has two aspects - tempting people to sin and remorseless judgement when they give in to temptation. Externally the combination might seem evil but it is easily justified by the person doing it, much like a con-man who will blame his marks for being gullible.
Admin 2016-09-13 12:23:380 ♡
>They don't seem all that demonic
Demons get a bit of a bad rap. Tales of their monstrous appearance have been greatly exaggerated - in fact our hero/ine commented on this in the first few pages. Although... Mistress is a half breed (like most in their society), and we haven't met any full demons.

>purely, completely evil
People who set out to be evil for evil's sake are rare - most people have some motivation and don't think of themselves as evil.
Admin 2016-09-13 11:16:300 ♡
She doesn't wear much to begin with - and you wouldn't want it to get wrinkled would you?
Admin 2016-08-28 13:02:430 ♡
These are fairly old. I guess it's an abandoned thing.
Admin 2016-08-21 23:27:091 ♡
The narration font is Blambot Pro Lite, the dialog is Blambot Casual. They're free.
Admin 2016-08-08 10:33:300 ♡
It's true.
Admin 2016-08-05 23:10:490 ♡
>The RSS feed does not pick up this page

Guess I forgot to hit the button. Fixed.
Admin 2016-07-24 15:35:290 ♡
Admin 2016-06-02 05:58:470 ♡
You're looking at it wrong, it's just jeans. It's a lot clearer in color.
Admin 2016-05-29 19:47:150 ♡
Sure, why not.
Admin 2016-05-29 19:46:000 ♡
>Errand has two Rs in it.

Admin 2016-05-26 21:38:411 ♡
Are you using some prehistoric version of chrome? Can you see the videos on this page?
Admin 2016-05-24 04:55:090 ♡
Should be fixed now.
Admin 2016-05-23 17:45:200 ♡
What kind of tablet?

There will be more animations as I improve the animation software but it's not my primary dev project right now.
Admin 2016-05-23 16:38:050 ♡

It's an html5 video in webm / mp4 format. I've tested it on my phone and my desktop. You need a newish browser and JavaScript.
Admin 2016-05-21 10:04:390 ♡
It's probably just the lighting.
Admin 2016-05-17 08:28:290 ♡
Just post something, I guess. If it uses my existing characters, makes sense, and is fairly easy to do, I might give it a sketch.
Admin 2016-05-17 08:21:460 ♡
I generally don't draw body hair just as an aesthetic choice. I like the human form, not all the scraggly associated bits.