SatinMinions Lighter Chains V4 12
Gender SwapGirl-On-GirlKiss
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Lurker 2017-05-30 18:27:400 ♡
Is the balance of power shifting a little?
Hmm 2017-05-31 20:34:440 ♡
C'mon Allison, you already know she had strength and magic, don't be daft
null_derp 2017-06-02 11:54:410 ♡
So was the mercenary a virgin before he was transformed into a woman?
Admin 2017-06-02 17:35:090 ♡
>Is the balance of power shifting a little?

We'll have to wait and see! Keeping up a purely dominant facade is hard work.

>So was the mercenary a virgin before he was transformed into a woman?

She's not exactly overflowing with confidence, is she? Any experience he might have had before doesn't really apply here.
2017-06-02 22:17:020 ♡
I'd love to see a full motion animation as detailed as the transformation in Lighter Chains Vol.1 complete with genital transformation. Do you think you'll ever do one like that. Also how many more volumes of this comic will there be?