I don't how to measure that exactly. This is image 1629 in the database, but that includes alternate versions for patrons, deleted images, and a few miscellaneous non-drawn images.
This was just a concept cover for the bits and pieces of the Lady Link x Gannon comic. The comic does not really have a coherent plot which is why it's in the sketch and bonus galleries instead of the main comic page.
I have some 3D models that I use for reference. They keep things generally in proportion and help out with perspective and mirror shots especially, but I often make changes to show the things that I want to show. Here I was mainly concentrating on mistress's pose and the penetration action (naturally) and I didn't go back and do a sanity check on Alison's leg positioning.
I also have a blank figma model, which is way better than any of those wooden artist's models I've seen, but I only have one and the proportions and height are standard. Mistress and Alison have a large height difference and slightly supernatural proportions, which makes the 3D models a better option.
It can be difficult if you're going for a super realistic style with lots of diffraction - but less is more in this case. Notice I didn't really draw any water, I just drew some shiny bits in the air.
>It's interesting that she knew what to expect.
She looked around a bit when she first "arrived". I can't show everything because it'd take up too many panels. Also I'd have to think of everything in advance.
Eh, I think if you're going to build a huge demonic summoning/containment feature into your floor, you'll probably take the time to make it drain properly. The "towel rod" is actually a lever that controls the water - it's strictly mechanical. I'd imagine each of the alcoves addresses some need, much like the elements on the points of a traditional pentagram.
>So can we take that to mean that Allison still 'counts' as an man for magical purposes?
She has some residual male energy that is slowly being worked out of her. Note how soundly she slept after giving in to her physical desires.
>Is her size related to her powers, or are demons just naturally huge?
Alison is ~5"1" and barefoot. Mistress is 5'10" and tends to wear high heels. She is not supernaturally large, but her physique may be influenced by how much she "feeds".
>will we see again the statuesque fellow that called on Mistress when she was out last chapter?
He'll be around.
>What's his deal?
Heh, he's mainly a prop for Alison to interact with.
She is part succubus, which gives her certain powers over men. Through sex, she is able to drain their life force and use it to bolster her own strength and will. She can also influence, and even enter, their dreams.
She does not have any direct ability to cast spells, but her natural abilities give her quite a leg up on using magical artifacts. Her mild psychic ability and experience manipulating men make it easy for her to the weak points that a transformation spell needs to take hold.
She has a tattoo on her face and on her shoulder. I assure you they are supposed to be stationary. Drawing is hard.
In retrospect, it's a terrible character design because I have to draw the tattoo all the time and I don't even have a firm design for it, I just scribble some vaguely tribal and nautical looking lines. It pretty much rules out any animation.
This is mainly for aesthetic and production reasons. When someone is under magical influence it will be much more obvious. You could call the current color palette foreshadowing if you want.
>Why would Allen/Allison be entirely ignorant of magic?
Alison's original name is not revealed. Melody just starts picking names, perhaps not even aware of his/her situation, and Mistress offers a correction. It's not even clear if Mistress bothered finding out his name, she didn't seem that interested in his file.
Dialog in the first chapter indicates that Alison is aware of transformation magic. As for his reaction to the transformation, well, I'm aware of crocodiles but I'd still be pretty surprised if one bit me in the leg.
>you've got obvious magic-wielding women
The 4th wall reason why they have tattoos is to look cool/tough (thus making it more interesting to 'defeat' them), and it's not a bad in-universe reason either. I wouldn't necessarily prescribe it to magical ability, seems more of a warrior/barbarian thing to do to me.
>are the two women in a storyline that doesn't intersect with Allison's?
They're definitely in the same world with the same captors. I don't know if they'll have a reason to meet.
There's two groups of readers: people alarmed about Stockholm syndrome, and people ready to volunteer to get Stockholm syndrome. I'm not entirely sure the groups are mutually exclusive.
Yes, Lighter Chains will resume at some point. From my patreon post:
I'm in a bit of a rut on Lighter Chains - I know where I want it to go but the scenes aren't coming to me easily. Rather than bash my head against it, I decided to make a different comic and come back to it later.
There is no dialog or narration in this comic, there is no back story (use your imagination for now ;), it's just action.
Yes. My life is a series of different projects and I'm not good at balancing them. I have posted a patreon update.
>Have you always drawn the teeth.
Teeth made their first appearance all the way back in volume 1 page 1. And you're totally right that her teeth are messed up here. Someday I'll post a page where I'm happy with every panel, but today is not that day.
This great mystery will be revealed via flashback on the next page.
>And, don't women of her world change their clothes every day?
Well, he probably meant "how often you get a new outfit" or something to that effect.