The first image was just a random sketch, but then I decided to make a little sequence out of it. I redrew the first image with her hair down later, it'll be posted next monday.
I definitely change to color of the scene intentionally to convey the mood, and I've tried to make different magical effects look different and stick out more than the mood lighting. The girl in Dark Altar is being directly influenced by magic, so her eyes glow. Mistress's eyes glow occasionally due to her innate magical nature.
I don't have an exact system worked out, I just try to make it look right.
I made this in my own animation program that I'm developing. It's very smooth because it's vector based with automatic interpolation. It's a bit tricky to animate lines that aren't visible in every frame with that system though, and I didn't really have the tools to fix things coded at the time, so I just sort of stopped.
I think a good way to do it might be to make everything see-through like you'll see in the next animation. I'll work on layering strategies once I get coloring added in.
I see her as a warrior or some kind of tough-girl who finds herself conscripted into a demon breeding program. Maybe she's tested and is found to be very compatible or maybe she is chosen by a specific spirit.
Her form was pulled from his subconscious, primed by the "choose the ideal form of servitude" command. Mistress knew she was getting a new girl, but the specifics were a surprise.
The next page contains 2 animations that take a lot longer to make than a static page. They're scheduled to be released in parts, first the line art versions, then color versions, then the scripted page. The first line art animation is up here:
You need a special link that I send out to active patrons on the 5th of each month. There's no way to tell if a new patron is legit or not before they have been charged and there are tons of bots and deadbeat accounts.
The prev/next buttons are messed up on the misc comics section. It's confusing because I want the newest page to show up first in the gallery so people can see what's new, sort of the opposite of the other comics. The index page ( seems to be in the correct order though.
The dialog in the last panel: Alison: It.. it's not funny Melody: Does your head fit through the collar? Alison: Of course not, it hurts to even try Melody: Oh my god you tried?! Ahaha!