Admin 2012-10-02 13:15:370 ♡
Comic produced on commission, but available for all.
Admin 2012-09-25 19:08:001 ♡
>more pixels
Admin 2012-07-14 22:20:562 ♡
There is quite a bit of cultural baggage associated with people of African descent wearing shackles...
Admin 2012-06-23 07:27:470 ♡
>Are you at work on more images? RSS doesn't keep us up to date. When will there be be images?

There will be new images. Every new image shows up in the RSS.
Admin 2012-06-09 17:08:511 ♡
>Do you announce when you add new artwork to the site?

There is an RSS feed to the right of the "comments" link at the top of the page.
Admin 2012-06-03 23:55:310 ♡
Ich spreche Deutsch mit Google Translate
Admin 2012-06-03 02:18:450 ♡
>How do you tansforming in a Woman?
>Please give me a Answer!

I don't understand the question.
Admin 2012-05-27 02:35:000 ♡
>would be nice if this was continued to see what his new life was like in her body

Yeah like doing her taxes and grading papers and shit. So hot.
Admin 2012-05-17 04:20:220 ♡
>I tried emailing you but no reply

Sorry about that, I am bad at replying to things. Message sent.
Admin 2012-04-16 00:38:230 ♡
>Is this going to be a full comic?

Probably not as I've got a commissioned comic to do and I'd like to finish the forceplay comic after that.
Admin 2012-04-05 22:44:342 ♡
>is that her juice or a males juice?

There's a bit of a sequence here:
Admin 2012-03-27 23:59:132 ♡
>There was an x-ray animation before of an internal ejaculation (vaginal).

I don't think I have produced such an animation. Perhaps you could draw a crude version in ms paint to remind me.
Admin 2012-02-14 06:10:511 ♡
>Do you have a source from where you got some first steps?

Not really, I've just been drawing as a hobby for a long time. I've picked up information from various books on anatomy and looked at various tutorials online over the years. The books by Andrew Loomis are available for free online and they're pretty good for understanding poses and perspective, though the anatomy info is questionable. I've also taken inspiration from J Scott Campbell, Adam Warren, 1940s pinups, and various anime sources. It's basically just picking up information where you can, trying to understand what you're drawing, and then drawing it a lot.
Admin 2012-02-11 06:56:061 ♡
>Some BJ parts coming out soon?

Hah, you'll have to tolerate some conventional intercourse first.
Admin 2012-01-30 15:39:111 ♡
Yeah, I've got sketches for the next couple pages.
Admin 2012-01-23 07:55:532 ♡
>How much for doing a project as a Gif?

Image rate * number of frames
Admin 2012-01-04 02:32:453 ♡
>almost as if she was humiliated and defeated

That's the look I was going for, glad it worked.
Admin 2011-12-27 20:36:182 ♡
A condom.
Admin 2011-12-21 10:54:282 ♡
>Any plans for new tg transformation animations?
I probably should make some, since that is clearly what the people demand. I have a bj/facial animation up next.
Admin 2011-12-17 05:02:562 ♡
>What programs do you use for making this?
3D studio to plan the animation and create a reference, then I draw and color it in photoshop.

>And how much time can it take
A long time. Too long, really. I've never timed it exactly, I usually spread it out over several weeks.
Admin 2011-10-18 08:18:412 ♡
I like to see conquest, girls being ravished with a dominance/submission angle. I imagine she is taken roughly. It is pleasurable but she is still alarmed at his ferocity. She climaxes and is still along for the ride until he finishes with her. As he pulls her hips close and cums deep inside she is conflicted between physical pleasure and fear of pregnancy. Maybe even a twinge of humiliation that she gave into her submissive instincts so easily.

It's insemination as a form of dominance. It's a little fucked up but there you have it.
Admin 2011-08-12 09:30:071 ♡
>how is this position called?
After searching google, the best answer seems to be the "rear entry position". which is kind of a boring name.

>what software do you use?
3D studio to plan animation, then Photoshop.

>what sites/artists could you recommend that are similar to you?
Ackanime -
Reiq -
Admin 2011-05-18 02:58:301 ♡
I use photoshop for drawing and animating. It's not exactly brilliant but I haven't found any viable alternatives.
Admin 2011-05-05 21:20:540 ♡
Like a physical calendar? Is that something people would buy?
Admin 2011-04-18 06:02:012 ♡
The breast expansion community always wants to take things way further than I'd like. I like a good sexifying, but I don't really understand flood-filling a stadium with boob.
Admin 2011-03-19 04:17:390 ♡
Nah, she has a different body type
Admin 2011-01-30 15:48:280 ♡
Hmm, it got lost in the re-tag shuffle. Fixed now.
Admin 2011-01-25 20:51:550 ♡
39 frames