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Sissy Pam 2010-11-20 11:47:152 ♡
The potion worked, I have transformed into a beautiful young woman, I am so excited about what lies ahead for me
I do so enjoy your work!
sologirl 2010-01-04 19:19:271 ♡
great work! i love it so much, please keep posting!
Commotion22 2010-01-01 11:12:392 ♡
GOSH!--You do such good work! It really is amazing just to look at it!
wbfrcu evpuzbaq 2009-12-28 22:10:002 ♡
Another nice one, the POV makes this better than an average pinup.
2013-06-11 18:43:391 ♡
oh yes this is what i would just love to see looking back at me from the mirrior i wish i were a blonde girl with nice breast and a pussy rounded hip's for carrying babies a nice butt!
Admin 2012-12-31 21:27:082 ♡
>I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage

Well, spam bot, you've come to the right place! Every one of these lovely ladies is a certified lending specialist. Just have a seat and someone will be right with you.
2010-10-06 07:36:261 ♡
oh how i do so long to lok in the mirror and to see a girl looking back at me and themn jsut knowing that i am finally seeing my real self for you see i really am just a girl and she wants out she wants to take me over and transform me into girlhood at long last and then i will be female for good i want this so bad jsut to be the girl in the mirror and the one looking at her as well both of us are oine and the same and we are female!
2010-05-21 20:19:561 ♡
It's almost as if some compromises were made with respect to the realistic simulation of water vapor condensation in order to facilitate a less obstructed view of the female's secondary sex characteristics - namely her well developed mammary region. This sort of chicanery is surely without precedent! :monacle pop:
Twilightkitten 2010-05-21 13:51:571 ♡
Purrdy!Although, the left arm looks somewhat strange near the shoulder. And the arm position seems to be different than the mirror image.Also, naturally, with so much steam in the air, there shouldn't be anything to be seen in the mirror. (Just a few thoughts of mine)
Big Fan 2010-05-20 21:32:441 ♡
Wow. I have been away for a bit and you have posted a ton of incredible art. I will admit that those in color got my attention first, but if I had to rank them on independent merits, this is the tops. The face we see in the mirror is one of shock in her eyes, yet the mirror offers a reminder of the man that she was/is and the wandering hand reminds us of what she wants....
blackpaw 2023-09-24 18:00:543 ♡
Cool, just stumbled across this one, presume its a possible followup to Dark Alter. There's only the one page despite being page 02?

My theory - the demons are being used just as much as she is and they don't like seeing their offspring being enslaved by the people running the ritual, so he's helping her to escape in the hope her and her child can be free.

Maybe in the future the child will return to destroy the cult.
2021-09-02 10:15:291 ♡
Still, it's nice that he cares. Maybe she'll come back after this one's born of her own free will, to see him again.
Admin 2020-07-03 10:01:424 ♡
The purpose is to breed demons with compatible mortals. The resulting half breeds often retain some super natural powers while being more suited to living on this plane permanently.
2020-06-26 01:52:091 ♡
What was the purpose of the ritual?
2020-06-25 14:43:441 ♡
not like there's nothing in it for him
2020-05-31 04:45:573 ♡
What a helpful, friendly sex demon
Sign @ The X: 2019-02-21 09:41:094 ♡
I love how she looks like she's literally, not just figuratively, getting her brains fucked out!!!
Clare Lake 2017-09-17 10:51:304 ♡
I love the wonderful touch of the reflections off her eyes, lips and tits -- so very sexy. It's features of your unique style like this that create the incredible emotions your artwork conveys. Bravo!
Admin 2024-01-26 08:05:011 ♡
I'm not sure I want to go full booru style tags on everything, but I'll add this one for you.
SF 2024-03-31 19:30:562 ♡
she is definitely revelling in the effect she has on her partners >:D
Lorna 2010-01-06 19:39:071 ♡
Beautiful work, would love to see more of the sketches completed like this one.
Speculation 2017-10-02 09:47:091 ♡
I would suspect that the shackles had a bit to do with our captives arousal-considering she seemed to reciprocate far to easily (and it matched the glow of the demon) and her eyes shared the glow-I would wager the fellows whom threw her in have a pact with the demon for ill gain... Perhaps I'm reading a bit into this, but like many others I fantasize a story for this snippet of time in these people's lives
2017-10-01 04:55:501 ♡
>purple glow

If you look, you can see the purple crap floating off of and vanish from the shackles. Whatever purpose they were needed for has been completed upon this dark "altar."
gnome_man 2017-10-01 03:20:281 ♡
Well. the two of them are down in the bottom of a hole. I'd think that she'll have to deal with that, unless, of course, he does.

On the other hand, maybe somebody will enter their little hide-away the same way he did. There didn't seem to be any place to cook, so I think he'll be leaving soon.

Does it seem like the purple glow of her shackles and her eyes seem like it's diminished to anyone else?

He didn't look so awfully large that a woman would automatically reject him. Why did they take an enemy woman and force her to do this? Why an enemy? Is she an enemy? The shackles would strongly suggest that she doesn't want to be there. Are they going to send her back with some kind of a mystical virus weapon?

That is a lot of sperm, and it looks a little odd. Why use someone who would otherwise refuse?

They don't want the big guy (demon?) to get loose. They want to keep the woman - a sorceress, if the tattoos are any indication - under control. She is bait of some project, and the project required a witchy woman. Maybe the child that could be growing on her requires that witchieness to properly develop.

Lots of interesting questions. I'd still like to look in on Alison.

Wouldn't it be terrific way to acquire a spy? Put them through a sex-change and then tell them that they could get changed back if they were a good girl. Or boy.
Aldrus 2017-09-30 17:58:171 ♡
aww, its all messy, who is gonna clean this up?
Nia 2012-10-02 00:26:561 ♡
Love your new boobs
2018-12-01 17:40:152 ♡
Looks tasty!
2019-05-16 00:37:042 ♡
This is hot as fuck
Admin 2019-05-15 09:55:102 ♡
I like it too. It would be nice if the shakiness of it was dynamic instead of baked into each letter.
2019-05-12 14:35:203 ♡
I love the new pleasure font!
KitsuneDragoon 2015-12-25 21:51:592 ♡
Up for some recreational activity?
2021-02-15 15:57:301 ♡
First he turns into the girl he just had sex with, then he becomes the genie somehow.
2021-02-14 16:34:141 ♡
I think its really interesting how this second take has iterated on the first. The outfits ever so slightly different, who knows what else will be different this time.
Tay Pixie 2021-02-14 14:43:211 ♡
Also, I know she's about to get longer hair (if your hints on the Images page are what I'm thinking) but I really love the cute short hair she has. It really emphasizes her cute face, big eyes, and big... well, everything else.
Tay Pixie 2021-02-14 14:39:541 ♡
The best part of all of this, as is with all of this lovely artist's work, is you know she is going to end up SO happy. The changes are always forced, and there's always a little fun resistance but every "victim" finds their place, and they never want to leave. Bravo!
Banner 2023-08-20 09:25:024 ♡
She's definitely good at what she does.
blackpaw 2023-08-19 22:08:304 ♡
Mmmm... a relaxing happy respite from her morale duties
SF 2024-05-20 11:36:433 ♡
I hope we get a seaside chapter :D
Sofia Silksoles 2024-05-20 10:22:263 ♡
Awww! Cute little barefoot sailor! She knows how to show off her assets no matter what she wears!
Kay 2015-01-02 15:51:182 ♡
I love how her ass is pointed right at me.
Fiztban 2015-02-12 06:19:432 ♡
Dear Artist,

I really enjoy the twist you are putting to this transformation as its very similar to something I used to imagine quite a lot. When I was back in my teens and very curious about what the other half felt during sex one of my most strikingly pleasurable fanatsies involved myself and my crush at the time in a sort of cocoon/womb environment both naked. We'd start pleasuring each other in several ways, the twist being that neither of us knew that at the moment of orgasm was when things would trigger.
NewGirl99 2024-07-02 19:05:071 ♡
Gulp! Don't threaten me with a good time!
Kaleo 2024-05-25 10:43:126 ♡
Glad to see you're having fun with it, Admin! I'm looking forward to your new works all the time, whatever they may be.
Tiger_Driver91 2024-07-02 17:05:461 ♡
Yepa my dude your going places with that kind of vision for marketing. Anyways, I now have some light enf with Alison:D
Sofia Silksoles 2024-06-19 16:00:324 ♡
Oooooo! I wonder how Alison got this small! Maybe mistress shrunk her to teach her a lesson? Maybe that's how she ended up in the Tinkerbell outfit after her "candy" clothes dissolved?
Yepa 2024-06-22 16:10:462 ♡
Nudes of Alison in a cup of coffee has legs; I'm thinking a spinoff comic, cameos, jingles, brand deals, advertisements, heck put her nude in any liquid foodstuffs and she'll be a star! 5-10 years we'll see it go mainstream, HBO television, a whole new cinematic universe baby, that's my dream.
k48 2024-06-29 11:39:101 ♡
Any plans to color this like the others?
Admin 2022-11-20 23:16:554 ♡
This was a stand alone character done on commission, so likely a fantasy persona.
Merle 2017-08-16 22:40:502 ♡
Someone made a bit of a mess!
Nasala 2018-04-10 08:33:073 ♡
I know it's a strange thing to say but I love how curly you made Lynn's hair :D
Also that expression in the final panel <3