Blackpaw 2025-02-14 18:15:272 ♡
Conservation of matter - the mass lost from height reduction went into her ass and breast.
Blackpaw 2025-02-14 18:14:231 ♡
Parts of her grew considerably though :)
Blackpaw 2024-12-23 19:27:482 ♡
Awww, so sweet
Blackpaw 2024-09-30 16:47:571 ♡
That looks really cool, reminds me of the classic Sierra Entertainment games
Blackpaw 2024-07-06 05:46:191 ♡
I do like seeing her serious side, whether as a senior engineer or a soldier.
blackpaw 2023-09-29 08:01:461 ♡
Hmmmm... the AI is "Mother"? Shades of the computer from "Alien"
blackpaw 2023-09-26 18:00:103 ♡
Nice touch with the black hole and its accretion disk, I do like scientific realism mixed in with my SciFi.

::sigh:: Some things never change... the woman cops the blame for the men behaving badly trying to get her attention. I bet the commander is going to end up disciplining her.
blackpaw 2023-09-24 20:16:193 ♡
No one does x-ray quite like you, the best.
blackpaw 2023-09-24 18:00:543 ♡
Cool, just stumbled across this one, presume its a possible followup to Dark Alter. There's only the one page despite being page 02?

My theory - the demons are being used just as much as she is and they don't like seeing their offspring being enslaved by the people running the ritual, so he's helping her to escape in the hope her and her child can be free.

Maybe in the future the child will return to destroy the cult.
blackpaw 2023-09-24 17:35:272 ♡
Yay! New comic/plotline in my fav series! And we have a new female character, their commander no less. Should be interesting.

Look forward to more morale boosting.
blackpaw 2023-08-26 21:18:280 ♡
So King Genie was fooled by the silly hat?

I'm getting the impression that genies in general are not terribly bright :)
blackpaw 2023-08-22 16:50:283 ♡
@Your Quite Neighbour - she knows it is about to be torn off!
blackpaw 2023-08-19 22:08:305 ♡
Mmmm... a relaxing happy respite from her morale duties
blackpaw 2023-08-15 21:23:132 ♡
A new one for our Morale Office! I like it. But does a robot body need exercise, or is she more an Android?
blackpaw 2023-08-05 21:46:363 ♡
This has been a delightful little story from start to finish, humour, hotness and romance With a most satisfying ending, my thanks to the Admin!

nb. I wonder if her friend, now husband, will have to keep refreshing the "curse" for the rest of their lives.
blackpaw 2023-08-04 21:01:510 ♡
Ah, I see - thanks.
blackpaw 2023-08-04 15:03:151 ♡
Cool, nice match on the strut.

The parent 404's on me.
blackpaw 2023-08-02 22:49:472 ♡
Like that we see the priests(?) running off in the background. Wonder if they will feature later.
blackpaw 2023-08-02 22:47:532 ♡
Swing free bro!

Oops - not anymore, let the girls run wild!
blackpaw 2023-08-01 19:26:462 ♡
It's quite the tender love story. Two souls finding a way against all odds.
blackpaw 2023-08-01 19:20:013 ♡
Seems like his guard was pretty fond of him as is, platonically or otherwise.
blackpaw 2023-08-01 19:19:022 ♡
And so it begins!
blackpaw 2023-07-31 18:07:022 ♡
This'll be good
blackpaw 2023-07-25 18:05:011 ♡
Oh, nice. Background looks much better, immersive. Like the shading on the sun beams.
blackpaw 2023-07-03 22:09:041 ♡
Sames, the AI stuff is really interesting, but I prefer your hand drawn expressions.
blackpaw 2023-07-01 15:15:544 ♡
(Lightbulb Moment) - I presumed the man was the guard, but they are both our protagonist, before and after, aren't they.
blackpaw 2023-07-01 15:14:357 ♡
Love how is basically the same character type either as man or a woman - flighty, whimsical and teasing.
blackpaw 2023-07-01 15:08:554 ♡
Given how touched and delighted she is with the dress, I'm guessing this change is what they really wanted, subconsciously maybe.
blackpaw 2023-06-29 20:03:001 ♡
Love it!
blackpaw 2023-06-19 19:52:251 ♡
I do like how we've only had her side of the conversation the entire strip, with his being between panels. Makes it very much her POV.

It's tempting to suspect a nefarious plot, but given how hot and eager she is, he could be just really horny for her
blackpaw 2023-06-05 00:11:163 ♡
Like how the "+7 Days" centers around her womb
blackpaw 2023-06-05 00:10:143 ♡
LOL! Love the actual lightening strike in the last panel :)
blackpaw 2023-04-22 11:37:091 ♡
It looks plenty good to me! Love the progression
blackpaw 2023-04-17 23:12:516 ♡
"What is wrong with you?" - said with delighted expression :)
blackpaw 2023-04-17 23:11:317 ♡
Methinks Prince/Princess gets off on the "On noes, I'm being ravaged no matter what I say..."
blackpaw 2023-04-11 22:19:236 ♡
Love the sole narrated POV for this, and the way the guy is barely pictured. It really focuses the story in an interesting way.
blackpaw 2023-03-18 01:15:553 ♡
I'm guessing he neglected to get underwear... :)
blackpaw 2023-02-26 15:52:055 ♡
Fantastic translucency on the dress.

Overall, somehow it reminds me of images from the game "Riven" (Cyan Worlds)
blackpaw 2023-02-20 19:39:023 ♡
Oh wow! LOvE the attitude and her body! ::chefs kiss::
blackpaw 2023-02-12 19:38:462 ♡
lol :)
blackpaw 2023-02-09 17:00:042 ♡
Love the way her mind works! :)
blackpaw 2023-02-07 18:49:522 ♡
blackpaw 2023-02-02 18:59:502 ♡
Yay! Love this character and appreciate the thought you've put into her technology
blackpaw 2023-02-01 19:10:050 ♡
Gorgeous, which character is this?
blackpaw 2023-01-19 18:03:588 ♡
Yay! New Content! Love this character
blackpaw 2023-01-12 18:35:473 ♡
Wow! Didn't see that coming /s :)
blackpaw 2023-01-07 16:09:206 ♡
Wow! Dress looks amazing on her.
blackpaw 2022-11-07 19:07:354 ♡
Collar seems to be glowing, magical?
blackpaw 2022-11-07 19:06:192 ♡
Wow, love the skin textures
blackpaw 2022-10-24 23:10:592 ♡
Hah ha! Love her protesting the AI analysis

"Methinks the damsel doth protest too much"