Thats so hot. Reversible at will TG like thats been my personal favorite and I hope we get more of this in the future. Also I think the modern setting is a nice contrast to Lighter Chains and its more fantasty-based setting.
I scheduled this to be posted at 12:00 noon eastern time on this site and 12:01 eastern on patreon. I've moved recently so there may be some time zone shenanigans going on, but I've tested it on the this site and it seems to be working correctly.
The transformation changes body, hair, currently worn clothing, personal effects, and sex drive. She changes back when her lanyard is removed (most of the time?), that way he can investigate what various parts of his wardrobe turn into.
The comic has become more about the slow-build conversion than a fast break-in. Each encounter takes her another step along the path. She's not quite ready to fully live out her fantasies.
I at least wanna know what happens after she leaves. Is she stuck like that forever? Will she turn back when she goes back down the elevator and/or removes the lanyard? Did literally every piece of identifying information he had as a man get changed too? What happened to the contents of his pockets? What do her naked titties look like? So many questions.
You know, she's always gotten some attention on at least all of her assets. Her face, her tits, and I personally love her little feet. But her butt... her ass. She forgot how "sorely neglected" her breasts had been. I think dat ass needs more attention too.
I had several sketches to that effect but as I wrote the full story, a more gradual psychological conversion emerged. At this point I don't think Alison would need any magical or physical convincing to end up on her knees.
>what's the light level on the bands indicate?
As established in the full Dark Altar comic the enchantment on the bands makes her submissive/lustful for her assigned demon partner. It may also have something to do with summoning him.
So is this chapter going to focus only on Torrin or are we going to return to the mistress? I really enjoy the relationship development of the main character and her Mistress so I hope it's the later.
I love how you answered that question with an entire picture lol.
The picture seems to suggest three units if hair growth, whether those be inches or centimeters is unknown (though based on the subdivisions, inches is much more likely). Working under the assumption that it is inches and Alisons hair is growing at a normal rate, shes apparently been growing it out for ~6 months at the time of this picture. Assuming the length approximately doubled in vol. 5, thatd put her at about a year.
Magic does exist, so nothings truly determinate. However, Mistress magically willed an entire sex change upon her, so if she wanted to grow her hair out faster, she probably couldve done that instantly too. Im inclined to believe the hair growth is natural.