Caline 2024-05-27 23:16:544 ♡
Thanks for taking the time! Love getting to see these alts, and your reasoning for preferring one version over another.
Caline 2023-07-09 02:56:352 ♡
That's really cool, actually! Was hard to appreciate the nuance it added until I was able to flip back and forth between the two.
Caline 2023-06-06 23:46:041 ♡
Well done :)
Caline 2022-11-09 16:50:072 ♡
Exquisite. :-)
Caline 2022-07-08 03:05:251 ♡
Yes. This. Please. Someday!
Caline 2020-08-03 19:43:390 ♡
"The Skin Game" features a pretty creative TG scenario, and spends a fair amount of time in its protagonist's head(s) examining a believable submissive perspective. Unfinished, alas, but what's there is still an amazing tale, on par with "Lighter Chains" (and that's saying something).
Caline 2018-07-16 15:06:012 ♡
Wow, just noticed the detail on her cheek it looks like her circuitry stands out when she blushes! That's adorable. :-)
Caline 2018-04-10 15:44:111 ♡
Ha! That's really good, Anon. :-) Thanks for sharing the covered text, Satin!
Caline 2018-01-14 19:23:200 ♡
SuspensionOfDisbelief, precisely the scene you're describing occurred in the last 8 pages of Vol 3. It's specifically referenced on page 20 of Vol 4 as one of the reasons the protagonist isn't putting up so much of a fight anymore.

(Also, while I'm commenting, bravo and thanks to the author for sharing this amazing work! :-) )