SatinMinions Idea Alisons Lost Episode
Story Idea:

Freshly transformed and still defiant, "Alison" mounts an effort to explore the bounds of her captivity. But as she evades her mistress's eyes, she also wanders from her protection. Soon she is discovered and cast into a summoning pit, where, at the hands of a powerful demon, she will be subjugated. As many times as required. Until she learns to honor her title of "slave".

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2021-12-14 14:15:241 ♡
Would live to see this
BMO 2022-05-20 18:32:461 ♡
Does this take place in her dreams again? She seems the type that doesn't need punishment, it'd be interesting to see if this was always the case
Admin 2022-05-20 22:16:385 ♡
One idea was to have her memory erased so we can have the fun of seeing her broken without spoiling the slow turn of the main story.
2022-05-21 04:39:351 ♡
This is so much worse than a bad dream... better? Hot.
The M 2022-05-29 00:51:072 ♡
I like the idea. Would also be possible to close the circle to the other mercs that entered with her. Make her get to see them, make her see one serving as a pony girl, or have one massive monster beast (thinking of an Oger or a centaur) try to get to have his way with her or stand guard, while she recognizes him as a former merc, with nothing of the old self left in there but pure animalistic Lust for her new body.
2022-06-02 17:47:171 ♡
ooooo, is this where we find out those collars have a hidden "obedience" mode? I could see Torrin using it if she gets too uppity.
Admin 2022-06-02 21:31:003 ♡
It's more like where we find out that Alison has a hidden obedience mode.
Caline 2022-07-08 03:05:251 ♡
Yes. This. Please. Someday!
jlv61560 2023-02-06 16:10:272 ♡
Would LOVE to see this one!