Anon 2015-02-25 21:12:122 ♡
Yeah short haired girls are pretty sexy
Anon 2015-02-14 23:26:431 ♡
I love this picture
Anon 2015-02-14 23:22:002 ♡
She's hot
Anon 2015-02-14 02:49:310 ♡
Anon 2015-02-14 02:45:534 ♡
Anon 2015-02-14 02:38:160 ♡
If only this was possible in real life
Anon 2015-02-06 16:47:220 ♡
Awesome toy should make a comic with these two
Anon 2014-07-05 19:03:450 ♡
More, I need MOAR!!!

I really want the backstory on this character.
Anon 2014-05-25 12:00:130 ♡
anon 2014-05-22 01:50:091 ♡
anon 2014-05-20 21:50:581 ♡
is this gender swap? because she is already wearing girl clothes... just sayin'
Anon 2014-05-16 23:19:271 ♡
Those dog tags are still around 'his' neck... it leaves it open for a sequel.
Anon 2014-03-19 22:00:460 ♡
There will be lurve
Anon 2014-03-07 18:14:170 ♡
Good to know you are still kicking
Anon 2014-02-27 19:14:471 ♡
I love the guys face.
Anon 2014-01-31 15:43:261 ♡
Let me start by saying your art is amazing, sexy and inspired. I'm a big fan!

Oddly enough, there's far more relevant research concerning bipedal humanoids with digitigrade legs: Google the stilts people make for costumes and you'll find both functional systems and a great deal of analysis on the physics involved. Skeletal makeup is important for realistic art and these devices are a good projection of what could be. That said, suspension of disbelief is an important part of enjoying sexy saytrs. Cheers! #2c
Anon 2013-12-26 23:50:231 ♡
Can you post a download link? (use adfly to get paid for downloads)
anon 2013-12-12 03:52:371 ♡
"Let me here you say it"

I think you meant hear (as it to listen), not here (as in this place).
anon 2013-11-29 01:52:242 ♡
The curves forming is always the best part. :)
Anon 2013-11-24 23:19:281 ♡
...go on
Anon 2013-11-19 13:32:552 ♡
I'm liking this girls design. Why are you so awesome?
Anon 2013-11-10 14:53:301 ♡
You should collaborate with an author on a series of stories set in your universe. These pics say 1000 words, but I want to hear the words.

"What...what is this? Take it off!"
Anon 2013-11-05 23:44:001 ♡
Admin, I for one would love a comic on that.

I love these two characters so much I have been kicking around the idea of writing fiction inspired by them. The dynamic is just so intriguing, both for fucking but also general interaction. I love the little hints at this you have dropped in other pictures, maybe leaving something to the imagination is better?

Nah! I really want to see you do a comic. I know it will be excellent :) Maybe I should e-mail you about commissions.
Anon 2013-11-05 23:24:012 ♡
I f'ing love this!
Anon 2013-09-21 01:34:132 ♡
You made my jaw drop
Anon 2013-09-12 00:13:563 ♡
Your eyes are so great
anon 2013-09-08 13:03:252 ♡
amazing breasts
anon 2013-09-03 01:02:412 ♡
You are so awesome at this, it blows my mind
Anon 2013-08-11 02:26:372 ♡
What about calling these Sex-Ray?
Anon 2013-04-14 17:27:432 ♡
Your pictures are like crack. I get a new one and instantly want another. I'd pay for regular updates.
Anon 2013-04-08 11:16:491 ♡
Wow! It looks like Link should be more careful where he flies after casting the Fairy spell...
Anon 2013-01-01 15:54:440 ♡
Zero that was me! Glad it led somebody back to this awesome site!
Anon 2012-12-21 00:06:431 ♡
Yep... this is exactly what I would do if I found myself in a similar predicament.
Anon 2012-12-20 23:07:172 ♡
I like the short hair. I agree with the poster above that I prefer long hair on a girl. But if you carry over the TG theme from the sister image I think the short hair fits better.

For me hair style is a bit along the line of clothes. If somebody were to change gender why would their clothes or hair style change? Over time yes, but those things are sort of separate from biology.
Anon 2012-12-20 22:49:221 ♡

YES! Glad you posted this.
Anon 2012-12-20 20:59:241 ♡
Every picture you have needs a description that good! Do you write fiction?

As always you never cease to impress. Love your work!
Anon 2012-12-20 20:47:592 ♡
Oh man, more awesome! I'm going to have to get a commission soon and support this fine human being. :)

I second the calls for some genital transformation. Dunno why but it makes me happy.
anon 2012-11-18 01:58:133 ♡
this is just the hottest thing
anon 2012-11-11 15:07:261 ♡
this is amazing! I love it! thank you for sharing
Anon 2012-10-25 01:46:001 ♡
Adding something like hair growth to the BE might accentuate the effect on this one.
Anon 2012-10-18 11:29:482 ♡
Cool, very out of the ordinary. I like the obvious mind/body connection.
Anon 2012-10-12 22:00:433 ♡
You are gifted at this. Keep going!
Anon 2012-10-10 21:21:502 ♡
Anon 2012-09-27 01:55:253 ♡
The facial expressions are captivating. Thank you Mr. Awesomesauce!
Anon 2012-09-25 20:12:010 ♡
<3 Thank You!
Anon 2012-09-24 23:25:163 ♡
Absolutely love this piece. Even have it has my wallpaper(more pixels would be nice, pretty please!). The ONLY thing I would change is having her grip the sheets a little harder with her left hand and flare her toes out a bit. She looks like she is getting overwhelmed by the (possibly unfamiliar) sensations and the act, its captured so well! Well artist, what is her story (once a guy maybe)? Why is there coercion?
Anon 2011-03-25 11:49:041 ♡
Very good pic. Please, colour it. It would be great.
Anon 2011-03-03 08:39:133 ♡
besides that small detail I agree with everyone, of course, you're so gifted. An alternative version of her slightly gagging on the way down would really make my day.
Anon 2011-03-01 06:41:312 ♡
except the guy is not showing any signs of pleasure, even though he might be enjoying it... Wouldn't you consider this in future works?
Anon 2010-09-02 14:39:082 ♡
"Wow, Julie... That's, um... that's not what I was expecting..."