Well... Fuck. That is really impressive. I'm curious, how much effort and time did this take, disregarding software learning time, compared to drawing this with a more traditional frame rate?
I'm curious just how much labor effort and time this can save you.
I mean, yeah, I could talk about all the things that are weird about this, but... who the fuck cares? Good, ethical use of these programs could do a LOT for the animation industry without harming the jobs of animators. Stuff still needs to be drawn and adjusted. Perhaps just with less tedium.
I think it's a good thing you're experimenting with this. Though, since I'm not part of the art community, I mostly say that because it seems to be a thing you're passionate about. I hope you find ways to use these tools to make things more fun for you.
I think to plebs like us the face in these sketches probably causes too much of an uncanny valley reaction. I reckon that helps explain the vote count, along with jlv61560's excellent point about bias.
Hope everything is going great with you, Admin. Fantastic work on this so far.
I know a lot of comments ask you to please make a sequel to this or a sequel to that. Me, I hope you continue working on the projects that make you flutter with ideas, excited to put down the next line.
I'm glad you're liking this happenstance story so much that you wanted to expand, and continue expanding, on it. I hope all your works go like that; passion projects with no feelings of obligation.
... 11g in the url? Is this pvt. Williams, then? Her 11g of seminal fluid that leads to a chunk of her supplement being cut out? That would be a funny little easter egg to notice!