Kaleo 2024-11-03 18:58:402 ♡
Well... Fuck. That is really impressive. I'm curious, how much effort and time did this take, disregarding software learning time, compared to drawing this with a more traditional frame rate?

I'm curious just how much labor effort and time this can save you.
Kaleo 2024-08-17 09:33:161 ♡
Keep making what you have passion for @Admin. The majority of us will be here along for the ride, enjoying all of it.
Kaleo 2024-06-21 16:47:145 ♡
Poor Torrin. First Alison steals his arm. Then when she gives it back, she puts it on backwards.
Kaleo 2024-06-15 16:41:252 ♡
I mean, yeah, I could talk about all the things that are weird about this, but... who the fuck cares? Good, ethical use of these programs could do a LOT for the animation industry without harming the jobs of animators. Stuff still needs to be drawn and adjusted. Perhaps just with less tedium.

I think it's a good thing you're experimenting with this. Though, since I'm not part of the art community, I mostly say that because it seems to be a thing you're passionate about. I hope you find ways to use these tools to make things more fun for you.
Kaleo 2024-06-14 07:29:461 ♡
I think to plebs like us the face in these sketches probably causes too much of an uncanny valley reaction. I reckon that helps explain the vote count, along with jlv61560's excellent point about bias.
Kaleo 2024-05-25 10:43:129 ♡
Glad to see you're having fun with it, Admin! I'm looking forward to your new works all the time, whatever they may be.
Kaleo 2024-03-13 05:45:285 ♡
Hope everything is going great with you, Admin. Fantastic work on this so far.

I know a lot of comments ask you to please make a sequel to this or a sequel to that. Me, I hope you continue working on the projects that make you flutter with ideas, excited to put down the next line.

Have a great day!
Kaleo 2023-08-05 15:14:148 ♡
By gawd, what a horrible punishment!

I'm glad you're liking this happenstance story so much that you wanted to expand, and continue expanding, on it. I hope all your works go like that; passion projects with no feelings of obligation.
Kaleo 2023-07-03 04:50:583 ♡
That's good! You keep impressing with the results you manage to get out of these tools.
Kaleo 2023-03-02 17:30:504 ♡
Heck yeah. Love the angle. The hair across her face is a great touch too!
Kaleo 2023-02-18 20:27:121 ♡
... 11g in the url? Is this pvt. Williams, then? Her 11g of seminal fluid that leads to a chunk of her supplement being cut out? That would be a funny little easter egg to notice!
Kaleo 2022-12-28 09:16:443 ♡
You can see the progression as your experience with the tool grows. It's been really interesting to watch you get better and better with it!
Kaleo 2022-12-01 04:35:198 ♡
I think we now need a sketch of a band playing jazz right up in her face.