I just became a patron of your Patreon page (2nd highest level at $10 -- "engagement", I believe it's called, but when I clicked this image's thumbnail all I see is the "Become A Patron" disclaimer like someone who's not a patron would see.
You don't appear to be logged in (your comment does not have a user id). In the upper right corner of the page, do you see "Login" or do you see your username? If you click that link do you see your profile or do you get a login prompt?
Also, your account does not have a patreon id. After logging in here, click the "Connect with Patreon" link from your profile. After signing in on patreon.com and clicking "allow", it should redirect you back here and you should see your tier level listed in your profile. If you already did this, did it seem to work or were there any errors?
Also, did you type that "+" in your username or did it show up on it's own? I had some trouble with encoding/decoding spaces but I'm not sure how there'd be one space and one plus.