SatinMinions SD 13892
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Your Quiet Neighbor 2023-02-02 23:14:131 ♡

If you have a name for this oh-so cute VR purple-haired elfin character, what is it?

If not, then she needs one, and why haven't you added her character tag to this posting?

I know that you have a lot of different projects here on SM to divide your time between, and only so much free-time to devote to any one of them at any one time, but I hope to see more issues for this character (at least one) bc the way the inaugural issue ended kinda felt like it was open-ended, that there could be more story to tell than just what was explored in that introductory issue.
Your Quiet Neighbor 2023-07-08 19:02:550 ♡
Correction to the above comment:

I meant to add "@Admin" after Q&A
jlv61560 2023-07-08 22:43:111 ♡
She's a hottie, and I too would like to see more of her story at some point... :)
tygh 2023-07-08 23:51:450 ♡
As for the name: maybe Diver?
@Your Quiet Neighbor 2024-05-08 22:49:450 ♡
The tag when you click the little character picture is "Selene" so I'd assume that's the working name ATM