SatinMinions Prison Princess 01
CoercionEvening Wear
How did she end up here?

Kidnapped during a random raid
Thrown in dungeon after coup
Shape shifter took her place
Estranged twin sister got revenge
Held for ransom
Given as ransom
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Your Quiet Neighbor 2024-06-13 07:29:502 ♡
Of the options given, I selected "given as ransom" as I thought that it was the most-humiliating of these indignities for our hapless protagonist to be forced to suffer. Close second plotline for me is the "estranged twin sister"

I have an option-7, however, where our protagonist turns out to be a bodyswapped peasant boy (late adolescent or early young adult) who works a very lowly laborer job, like: ditch-digger; chimneysweep; shoeshiner; maybe even a beggar. One day, he sees this princess carriage go by and catches a glimpse of her peering between the curtains in her window at the working class surroundings passing her by with a disgusted look on her face. Filled with bitter resentment, he mutters to himself, "Why can't I be royalty? They have such easy lives and get everything handed to them without having to work for it and every whim met at the snap of a finger.

Not long after this scene, this princess' carriage is overtaken by an angry mob of peasants and members of the working class who stage a revolt, taking her prisoner. Later that night, hours after hearing of this news, our protagonist goes to sleep with a s***-eating grin on his face, only to wake up the next morning as this captured princess