SatinMinions Lighter Chains V2 15
CoercionGender SwapGirl-On-GirlPenetration
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Anon 2015-09-13 10:15:210 ♡
I absolutely love this comic, this story you have been telling... but I've got a bone to pick with the past couple pages.

Our hero here, in a fit of rebellion, is knuckles deep in the mistress. Where is the reflection we have seen in so many other pages? She is taking a big risk so her heart has to be beating in her chest. This is also the first time she is likely getting aroused in her new form. Doesn't she notice herself getting wet, her nips exect and rubbing on the back of the mistress. Or what about her fingers, she has to be having the odd new thought that she now can know what this feels like. I want to know about that experience (and it would give you an excuse to drag this foreplay out even longer ;) ).

Regardless if you take my suggestions I am thoroughly enjoying what I am seeing and can't wait till next week. THANK YOU!
Lurker 2015-09-27 12:08:340 ♡
Neck collar is gone...

It appears to be a dream after all. Sigh, I really wanted our heor;s spirit not to be broken
very nice 2015-09-29 16:25:011 ♡
keep it up, it's a nice comic to watch/read
blah 2015-10-01 05:23:430 ♡
@lurker yeah it's very cleverly done, as she gets deeper in her dream/fantasy the chains that bind her start to disappear more and more. Subtle and effective.