Member Upsell
Violet 19 CleanParent

Admin 2024-09-13 15:23:580 ♡
For the sake of completionism, here is a result from Kling AI image-to-video. It's another web service with the usual problems that come from using someone else's computer.

The motion and consistency is an improvement over previous models. There's distortion in the face but this might be correctable with a style-specific post process.

The main problem is that this animation took multiple *days* to render. The site is just completely overloaded. This would be acceptable if they had a job queue that honestly said "you are number 45000 in line" or whatever, but instead they have a fake progress bar that gets to 99% and stops. This is apparently a persistent problem even for paid accounts.
jlv61560 2024-09-13 16:09:172 ♡
Honestly, I'm not terribly impressed with this one. Maybe the quality is better in other cases, but this makes her look like she's suffering from Parkinson's more than anything else...