SatinMinions Idea Wetware Install
Story Idea:

A crewman transferring to a deep space research station awakens from cryo sleep to find that his body did not survive the voyage! Given the make up of the reduced crew, the station's AI implants his surviving brain into an artificial body that would benefit the mission the most. We follow along as she adjusts and discovers some quirks of her new body that seem to encourage fraternization...Which she would never do of course!

(Spoiler: She does)

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aprilsthesia 2021-12-30 06:35:550 ♡
Love this idea! Adjusting to a new body and just feeling oh so many unfamiliar feelings... So much potential
Your Quiet Neighbor 2022-05-26 21:52:180 ♡
Full disclosure:

That fraternization is nonconsentual, at first -- but our bodyswapped protagonist eventually learns to enjoy the experience AND to crave it, right?
Admin 2022-05-28 08:46:210 ♡
Of course. Every effort is made to assign the crew to duties that bring out their natural talents.
Anon 2022-05-29 01:54:580 ♡
I hope that body comes with a high mileage warranty!
2023-05-23 00:50:272 ♡
Looking forward to the full comic of this!