var overlay = []; var overlayCount = 0; var animDataArray; function init() { if(window.location.href.indexOf("file") > -1 ) { //local host, use relative path } else { //web server, use absolute path folder = "/img/" + folder; } //preload the background image //set the background image if(typeof bgFileName === 'undefined') bgFileName = "bg.jpg"; bg.className = addPreloader(bgFileName); = imageHeight; = imageWidth; parseScript(scriptText); = "absolute"; = "0px"; = "-1px"; resizePage(); } function handleAnimationAjaxResponse() { /* readyState 0: request not initialized 1: server connection established 2: request received 3: processing request 4: request finished and response is ready */ if(this.readyState != 4) { return; } if(this.status != 200) { console.log("ERROR: bad http status " + this.status); return; } //console.log("handleAnimationAjaxResponse() - " + this.responseText); parseScript(this.responseText); } function parseScript(script) { //create and condition the data array animDataArray = script.split("\n"); for (var i = 0; i < animDataArray.length; i++) { //trim white space animDataArray[i] = animDataArray[i].trim(); //remove blank lines if(animDataArray[i].length <= 0) { animDataArray.splice(i, 1); i--; continue; } } //create overlay objects for (var i = 0; i < animDataArray.length; i++) { //console.log(i + ": " + animDataArray[i]); var word = animDataArray[i].split(" "); animDataArray[i] = word; //storing the split data so we don't have to call split hundreds of times a second later on switch(word[0]) { case "OVERLAY": //end previous overlay object if(overlayCount > 0) { overlay[overlayCount - 1].end = i - 1; } overlay[overlayCount] = new Object(); overlay[overlayCount].start = i; overlay[overlayCount].currPos = i; overlay[overlayCount].x = word[1]; overlay[overlayCount].y = word[2]; overlay[overlayCount].w = word[3]; overlay[overlayCount].h = word[4]; overlay[overlayCount].name = word[5]; overlay[overlayCount].jump = []; //associative array of jump locations overlay[overlayCount].frame = []; //array of all frame names, so we can add subframes overlay[overlayCount].nextFrameTime = 0; overlay[overlayCount].frameTime = 100; overlay[overlayCount].sub = []; //array of sub overlays overlay[overlayCount].subCount = 0; overlayCount++; break; case "CLICKADVANCE": var idx = overlayCount - 1; overlay[idx].onclick = clickAdvButton; //console.log("added clickadvance " + overlay[idx].onclick); break; case "SUB": // a sub overlay // these are the same size as the parent overlay // and sync to the parents animations, but with a sub frame suffix appended to the filename // used for things like adding alternate expressions at any point in the primary animation var idx = overlayCount - 1; var subIdx = overlay[idx].subCount; overlay[idx].sub[subIdx] = new Object(); overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].jump = []; //associative array of jump locations //if there's one word, the width and height match the parent overlay // if there are more words, then different width/height is specified if(word.length == 2) { //console.log("2 word sub"); overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].x = overlay[idx].x; overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].y = overlay[idx].y; overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].w = overlay[idx].w; overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].h = overlay[idx].h; overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].name = word[1]; } else { //console.log("5 word sub"); overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].x = word[1]; overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].y = word[2]; overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].w = word[3]; overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].h = word[4]; overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].name = word[5]; } overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].start = i; overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].currPos = i; overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].nextFrameTime = 0; overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].currFrame = "NULL"; overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].frameTime = 100; overlay[idx].subCount++; break; case "TIME": //this sets our default frame time //filter out the "ms" from the time, just get the number overlay[overlayCount - 1].frameTime = word[1].replace("ms", ""); if(overlay[overlayCount - 1].frameTime < 0) overlay[overlayCount - 1].frameTime = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; break; case "SUBTIME": var idx = overlayCount - 1; var subIdx = overlay[idx].subCount - 1; overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].frameTime = word[1].replace("ms", ""); //overlay[overlayCount - 1].subFrameTime = word[1].replace("ms", ""); break; case "FRAME": //start preloading this image if(word[1] != "NULL") { addPreloader(word[1]); var frameIdx = overlay[overlayCount - 1].frame.length; overlay[overlayCount - 1].frame[frameIdx] = word[1]; } break; case "SUBFRAME": if(word[1] == "NULL") break; //go through all existing frames, preload the subframe version for(var j = 0; j < overlay[overlayCount - 1].frame.length; j++) { var baseName = getBaseName(overlay[overlayCount - 1].frame[j]); //console.log("adding subframe " + baseName + word[1] ); addPreloader(baseName + word[1]); } if(overlay[overlayCount - 1].currSubPos == 0) overlay[overlayCount - 1].currSubPos = i; break; case "BUTTONADV": var overlayName = word[1]; var text = word[2]; createAdvButton(overlayName, text); break; case "BUTTONRANDOM": createButtonRandom(); break; default: //ignore blank lines, should have been removed above if(word[0].length <= 0) continue; //if last character is a ":", this is a named jump point if(word[0].lastIndexOf(":") == word[0].length - 1) { word[0] = word[0].replace(":", ""); //console.log(" found a label! - " + word[0]); overlay[(overlayCount - 1)].jump[word[0]] = i; //also store sub-specific jumps // this allows us to have one button control multiple subs var subIdx = overlay[(overlayCount - 1)].subCount - 1; if(subIdx >= 0) { overlay[(overlayCount - 1)].sub[subIdx].jump[word[0]] = i; } } break; } } //terminate dangling overlay overlay[overlayCount - 1].end = i - 1; //create overlay objects for(var i = 0 ; i < overlayCount; i++) { //console.log("Activating overlay " + i + " - " + overlay[i].start + " to " + overlay[i].end); //create the overlay div var o = document.createElement("div"); = "overlay-" + i; var scale = bg.offsetWidth / imageWidth; = overlay[i].h * scale; = overlay[i].w * scale; = overlay[i].x * scale; = overlay[i].y * scale; = "absolute"; = "100%"; o.onclick = overlay[i].onclick; bg.appendChild(o); //create sub overlays for(var j = 0; j < overlay[i].subCount; j++) { var o = document.createElement("div"); = "overlay-" + i + overlay[i].sub[j].name; var scale = bg.offsetWidth / imageWidth; = overlay[i].sub[j].h * scale; = overlay[i].sub[j].w * scale; = overlay[i].sub[j].x * scale; = overlay[i].sub[j].y * scale; = "absolute"; = "100%"; bg.appendChild(o); } } //fire 'em up // we do this in a seperate loop in case there is a small delay from creating html objects for(var i = 0; i < overlayCount; i++) { var frameState = {idx: i} window.requestAnimationFrame(processOverlay.bind(frameState)); } } function processOverlay(timeStamp) { var idx = this.idx; var done = false; for(var subIdx = 0; subIdx < overlay[idx].subCount; subIdx++) { if(overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].nextFrameTime <= timeStamp) { done = false; while(!done) { var word = animDataArray[overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].currPos]; var safety = 0; var tempFrameTime = overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].frameTime; switch(word[0]) { case "FRAME": //shouldn't happen console.log("ERROR: overlay[" + idx + "].sub[" + subIdx + "] encountered FRAME tag at position " + overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].currPos); done = true; break; case "SUBFRAME": overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].currFrame = getBaseName(word[1]); done = true; //update frame time if present if(word.length > 2) { tempFrameTime = word[2].replace("ms", ""); } break; case "OPACITY": var s = document.getElementById("overlay-" + idx + overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].name); if(word[1][0] == '+' || word[1][0] == '-') = + (word[1] / 100); else = word[1] / 100; if( > 1.0) = 1.0; if( < 0) = 0; //just setting opacity doesn't end the the frame cycle // since we might want to change opacity and frame at the same time // so if we just change opacity in a loop, we have to manually stop if(word[2] == "DONE") done = true; break; case "DONE": //might want to manually do nothing, like when we're holding a frame for a random period of time done = true; break; case "GOTO": overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].currPos = overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].jump[word[1]]; //sub specific jump break; case "RANDOM": //RANDOM time time, etc //add up total odds values var totalOdds = 0; for(var i = 1; i < word.length; i += 2) { //console.log("adding " + word[i]); totalOdds += Math.floor(word[i]); //lol if you don't do math.floor it appends them as strings } //pick a random number between 1 and totalodds var pick = Math.floor(Math.random() * totalOdds) + 1; //console.log("picked " + pick + " / " + totalOdds); //walk along until we go past pick value // then chose label before that totalOdds = 0; for(var i = 1; i < word.length; i += 2) { totalOdds += Math.floor(word[i]); if(pick <= totalOdds) { if(typeof(overlay[idx].jump[word[i+1]]) == "undefined" || typeof(overlay[idx].jump[word[i+1]]) == "NaN" ) { console.log("ERROR: invalid jump target '" + word[i+1] + "'" + " on line '" + animDataArray[overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].currPos] + "'"); break; } //console.log(" jumping to " + word[i+1] + " - " + overlay[idx].jump[word[i+1]]); overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].currPos = overlay[idx].jump[word[i+1]]; //console.log(" jumped to " + overlay[idx].currPos); break; } } break; case "BUTTONBRANCH": //jump to a label based on what button is selected if(word[1] == "*") { //jump to any highlighted button branchWord if it exists var bbox = document.getElementById("buttonBox"); for (var i = 0; i < bbox.children.length; i++) { var branchWord = bbox.children[i].id.replace("button-", ""); if(!isButtonOn(branchWord)) continue; if(overlay[idx].jump[branchWord] == undefined) continue; //we're making the jump, so turn the button from clicked to active bbox.children[i].className = "branchButton bbActive"; overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].currPos = overlay[idx].jump[branchWord]; break; } } else { for(var i = 1; i < word.length; i++) { //console.log("checking button on " + word[i] + overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].name); if(isButtonOn(word[i])) { //make sure jump label exists if(overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].jump[word[i]] == undefined) { console.log("invalid buttonBranch label '" + word[i] + "' on line " + overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].currPos) break; } overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].currPos = overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].jump[word[i]]; //sub specific jump console.log(overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].name + " jumped to " + overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].currPos); break; } } } break; case "BUTTONWAIT": //hang out until the button is pressed for(var i = 1; i < word.length; i++) { //console.log("checking button wait sub " + word[i] + overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].name); if(isButtonOn(word[i])) { // deselectButton(word[i]); } else { tempFrameTime = 30; overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].currPos--; done = true; } } break; } //end switch //goto next line, wrap around overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].currPos++; if(overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].currPos > overlay[idx].end) overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].currPos = overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].start; //safety counter safety++; if(safety > 1000) { console.log("INFINITE LOOP stopped in processOverlay(" + idx + ")"); return; } } //end while loop overlay[idx].sub[subIdx].nextFrameTime = Math.floor(timeStamp) + Math.floor(tempFrameTime); } //end timeStamp check } //end subloop //process primary animation done = false; if(overlay[idx].nextFrameTime <= timeStamp) { while(!done) { var word = animDataArray[overlay[idx].currPos]; var safety = 0; var tempFrameTime = overlay[idx].frameTime; //console.log("processOverlay(" + idx + ")"); //console.log(word); if(word == undefined) { //console.log("null word - ran off the end of animDataArray?"); debugger; //break; } switch(word[0]) { case "FRAME": overlay[idx].currFrame = getBaseName(word[1]); //update frame time if present if(word.length > 2) { //console.log("frametime = " + word[2]); tempFrameTime = word[2].replace("ms", ""); if(tempFrameTime < 0) { tempFrameTime = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; //update button text? var targetButton = document.getElementById("buttonAdv-" + overlay[idx].name); if(targetButton) { targetButton.innerHTML = overlay[idx].currFrame; } } } done = true; break; case "OPACITY": var s = document.getElementById("overlay-" + idx); if(word[1][0] == '+' || word[1][0] == '-') = + (word[1] / 100); else = word[1] / 100; if( > 1.0) = 1.0; if( < 0) = 0; //just setting opacity doesn't end the the frame cycle // since we might want to change opacity and frame at the same time // so if we just change opacity in a loop, we have to manually stop if(word[2] == "DONE") done = true; break; case "SUBOPACITY": //set opacity on the given sub animation // ie so we can reset blush fading //first find sub animation by name for(var opacSubIdx = 0; opacSubIdx < overlay[idx].subCount; opacSubIdx++) { if(overlay[idx].sub[opacSubIdx].name != word[1]) continue; //get sub element, set opacity var s = document.getElementById("overlay-" + idx + overlay[idx].sub[opacSubIdx].name); if(word[2][0] == '+' || word[2][0] == '-') = + (word[2] / 100); else = word[2] / 100; if( > 1.0) = 1.0; if( < 0) = 0; //just setting opacity doesn't end the the frame cycle // since we might want to change opacity and frame at the same time // so if we just change opacity in a loop, we have to manually stop if(word[3] == "DONE") done = true; } break; case "DONE": //might want to manually do nothing, like when we're holding a frame for a random period of time done = true; break; case "GOTO": overlay[idx].currPos = overlay[idx].jump[word[1]]; break; case "RANDOM": //RANDOM time time, etc //add up total odds values var totalOdds = 0; for(var i = 1; i < word.length; i += 2) { //console.log("adding " + word[i]); totalOdds += Math.floor(word[i]); //lol if you don't do math.floor it appends them as strings } //pick a random number between 0 and totalodds var pick = Math.floor(Math.random() * totalOdds); //console.log("picked " + pick + " / " + totalOdds); //walk along until we go past pick value // then chose label before that totalOdds = 0; for(var i = 1; i < word.length; i += 2) { totalOdds += Math.floor(word[i]); if(pick <= totalOdds) { if(typeof(overlay[idx].jump[word[i+1]]) == "undefined" || typeof(overlay[idx].jump[word[i+1]]) == "NaN" ) { console.log("ERROR: invalid jump target '" + word[i+1] + "'"); done = true; break; } //console.log(" jumping to " + word[i+1] + " - " + overlay[idx].jump[word[i+1]]); overlay[idx].currPos = overlay[idx].jump[word[i+1]]; //console.log(" jumped to " + overlay[idx].currPos); break; } } break; case "RANDOMTIME": //add up total odds values var totalOdds = 0; for(var i = 1; i < word.length; i += 2) { //console.log("adding " + word[i]); totalOdds += Math.floor(word[i]); //lol if you don't do math.floor it appends them as strings } //pick a random number between 0 and totalodds var pick = Math.floor(Math.random() * totalOdds); //console.log("picked " + pick + " / " + totalOdds); //walk along until we go past pick value // then chose label before that totalOdds = 0; for(var i = 1; i < word.length; i += 2) { totalOdds += Math.floor(word[i]); if(pick <= totalOdds) { if(word[i+1] == "SAME") break; overlay[idx].frameTime = word[i+1].replace("ms", ""); //console.log("new frame time " + overlay[idx].frameTime); break; } } break; case "TIME": //update frame time mid animation overlay[idx].frameTime = word[1].replace("ms", ""); if(overlay[idx].frameTime < 0) overlay[idx].frameTime = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; break; case "BUTTONCLEAR": clearButtons(); break; case "BUTTON": //create a button //BUTTON buttonText // buttonSet - a radio button group number, only one of the set can be selected at a time // branchWord - the label we will jump to // buttonText - words to put in the button, used for display only var buttonSet = Math.floor(word[1]); var branchWord = word[2]; var text = word[3]; for(var i = 4; i < word.length; i++) { text += " " + word[i]; } //don't create duplicate buttons if(buttonExists(branchWord, text)) break; createButton(buttonSet, branchWord, text); break; case "SELECTBUTTON": //used for selecting a default activated button var branchWord = word[1]; selectButton(branchWord); break; case "BUTTONBRANCH": console.log("buttonbranch" + word[1]); //jump to a label based on what button is selected if(word[1] == "*") { //jump to any highlighted button branchWord if it exists var bbox = document.getElementById("buttonBox"); for (var i = 0; i < bbox.children.length; i++) { var branchWord = bbox.children[i].id.replace("button-", ""); if(!isButtonOn(branchWord)) continue; if(overlay[idx].jump[branchWord] == undefined) continue; //we're making the jump, so turn the button from clicked to active bbox.children[i].className = "branchButton bbActive"; overlay[idx].currPos = overlay[idx].jump[branchWord]; break; } } else { for(var i = 1; i < word.length; i++) { //console.log("checking button on " + word[i]); if(isButtonOn(word[i])) { //make sure jump label exists if(overlay[idx].jump[word[i]] == undefined) { console.log("invalid buttonBranch label '" + word[i] + "' on line " + overlay[idx].currPos) break; } overlay[idx].currPos = overlay[idx].jump[word[i]]; //console.log(" jumped to " + overlay[idx].currPos); break; } } } break; case "BUTTONWAIT": //hang out until the button is pressed for(var i = 1; i < word.length; i++) { //console.log("checking button wait " + word[i] + overlay[idx].name); if(isButtonOn(word[i])) { // deselectButton(word[i]); } else { tempFrameTime = 30; overlay[idx].currPos--; done = true; } } break; default: //ignore lines by default // advancing to next line handled below break; } //goto next line, wrap around overlay[idx].currPos++; if(overlay[idx].currPos > overlay[idx].end) overlay[idx].currPos = overlay[idx].start; //safety counter safety++; if(safety > 1000) { console.log("INFINITE LOOP stopped in processOverlay(" + idx + ")"); return; } if(done) { //schedule next thing //console.log("scheduling frame time " + tempFrameTime); //window.setTimeout("processOverlay(" + idx + ")", tempFrameTime); //return; //welcome to javascript, where 2 + 2 = "22" unless you use math.floor overlay[idx].nextFrameTime = Math.floor(tempFrameTime) + Math.floor(timeStamp); break; //return; } } //end while loop } //end timeStamp check //apply current frame/subframe var o = document.getElementById("overlay-" + idx); o.className = "preload-" + overlay[idx].currFrame; for(var i = 0; i < overlay[idx].subCount; i++) { var s = document.getElementById("overlay-" + idx + overlay[idx].sub[i].name); s.className = "preload-" + overlay[idx].currFrame + overlay[idx].sub[i].currFrame; } //schedule next animation update window.requestAnimationFrame(processOverlay.bind(this)); } function addPreloader(preloadName) { //filter filename down to base name var baseName = getBaseName(preloadName); //console.log("preloadName = " + preloadName); //if preloader already exists, we're done if(document.getElementsByClassName("preload-" + baseName)[0] != undefined) { //console.log("Preloader 'preload-" + baseName + "' already defined, skipping"); return "preload-" + baseName; } //create a css class var style = document.createElement('style'); style.type = 'text/css'; //hack for loading from .patreon folder style.innerHTML = ".preload-" + baseName + "{ background: url('" + folder + "/" + preloadName + "') no-repeat; width:1px; height:1px; }"; //console.log("style innerhtml = " + style.innerHTML); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(style); //create a prefetch head element /* var link = document.createElement('link'); link.rel = 'preload'; link.href = "/img/" + folder + "/" + preloadName; = 'image'; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(link); */ //create a div with that class var d = document.createElement("div"); d.className = "preload-" + baseName; preloadBox.appendChild(d); return "preload-" + baseName; } function resizePage() { //console.log("resizing"); var scale = bg.offsetWidth / imageWidth; = scale * imageHeight; for(var i = 0; i < overlayCount; i++) { var o = document.getElementById("overlay-" + i); = overlay[i].h * scale; = overlay[i].w * scale; = overlay[i].x * scale; = overlay[i].y * scale; for(var j = 0; j < overlay[i].subCount; j++) { var s = document.getElementById("overlay-" + i + overlay[i].sub[j].name); = overlay[i].sub[j].h * scale; = overlay[i].sub[j].w * scale; = overlay[i].sub[j].x * scale; = overlay[i].sub[j].y * scale; } } } ///////////////////////////// // Branch Button functions // ///////////////////////////// function createButton(buttonSet, branchWord, text) { var bbox = document.getElementById("buttonBox"); var b = document.createElement("div"); = "button-" + branchWord; b.innerHTML = text; b.className = "branchButton"; b.onclick = clickBranchButton; b.buttonSet = buttonSet; bbox.appendChild(b); } function createAdvButton(overlayName, text) { //a button that advances the given overlay to the next frame // used for simple dressup items //console.log("createAdvButton(" + overlayName + ", " + text + ")" ); var bbox = document.getElementById("buttonBox"); var b = document.createElement("div"); = "buttonAdv-" + overlayName; b.innerHTML = text; b.className = "branchButton"; b.onclick = clickAdvButton; b.overlayName = overlayName; bbox.appendChild(b); } function createButtonRandom() { //a button that randomizes all stopped overlays // for dressup items var bbox = document.getElementById("buttonBox"); var b = document.createElement("div"); = "buttonRandom"; b.innerHTML = "Random"; b.className = "branchButton"; b.onclick = clickButtonRandom; bbox.appendChild(b); } function buttonExists(branchWord, text) { //button should match keyword and text var b = document.getElementById("button-" + branchWord); if(b) { if(b.innerHTML == text) return true; else return false; } else { return false; } } function clearButtons() { //remove all existing buttons document.getElementById("buttonBox").innerHTML = ""; } function clickBranchButton(event) { //called when we click the button //iterate over buttons, pop all that match this set var bbox = document.getElementById("buttonBox"); for (var i = 0; i < bbox.children.length; i++) { if(bbox.children[i].buttonSet != event.srcElement.buttonSet) continue; bbox.children[i].className = "branchButton"; } //push in the one we clicked event.srcElement.className = "branchButton bbClicked"; } function clickButtonRandom(event) { for(var i = 0; i < overlayCount; i++) { if(overlay[i].nextFrameTime <= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) continue; var frameIdx = Math.floor(Math.random() * overlay[i].frame.length); overlay[i].currFrame = getBaseName(overlay[i].frame[frameIdx]); //apply current frame/subframe var o = document.getElementById("overlay-" + i); o.className = "preload-" + overlay[i].currFrame; for(var j = 0; j < overlay[i].subCount; j++) { var s = document.getElementById("overlay-" + i + overlay[i].sub[j].name); s.className = "preload-" + overlay[i].currFrame + overlay[i].sub[j].currFrame; } //update button text var button = document.getElementById("buttonAdv-" + overlay[i].name); if(button) { button.innerHTML = overlay[i].currFrame; } } } function clickAdvButton(event) { for(var i = 0; i < overlayCount; i++) { //can click a button at the bottom or the overlay image itself if(overlay[i].name == event.srcElement.overlayName || "overlay-" + i == { overlay[i].nextFrameTime = 0; break; } } } function selectButton(branchWord) { var b = document.getElementById("button-" + branchWord); if(!b) return; //pop all buttons in the target button's set var bbox = document.getElementById("buttonBox"); for (var i = 0; i < bbox.children.length; i++) { if(bbox.children[i].buttonSet != b.buttonSet) continue; bbox.children[i].className = "branchButton"; } //select target button b.className = "branchButton bbClicked"; } function deselectButton(branchWord) { var b = document.getElementById("button-" + branchWord) if(!b) return false; b.className = "branchButton"; } function isButtonOn(branchWord) { var b = document.getElementById("button-" + branchWord) if(!b) return false; if(b.className.includes("bbClicked")) return true; if(b.className.includes("bbActive")) return true; return false; } function getBaseName(inputString) { inputString = inputString.replace(".jpg", ""); inputString = inputString.replace(".png", ""); inputString = inputString.replace(".gif", ""); inputString = inputString.replace(".", "-"); return inputString; } //debug function to move overlays around with WASD var currDebugOverlay; function onKeyPress(e) { e = e || window.event; var top = 0; var left = 0; if(currDebugOverlay) { top ="px", ""); left ="px", ""); } switch(e.key) { case "1": case "2": case "3": case "4": case "5": case "6": case "7": case "8": case "9": case "0": currDebugOverlay = document.getElementById("overlay-" + e.key); if(currDebugOverlay) { console.log("Selected overlay " + e.key); = 0.5; } return; break; case "w": top--; break; case "a": left--; break; case "s": top++; break; case "d": left++; break; //javascript number handling is fucking ludicrous // using the += operator concatenates them as strings, so we jump through the math.floor hoop case "W": top = Math.floor(top) - 10; break; case "A": left = Math.floor(left) - 10; break; case "S": top = Math.floor(top) + 10; break; case "D": left = Math.floor(left) + 10; break; } if(currDebugOverlay) { = top + "px"; = left + "px"; console.log("Overlay moved to " + + ", " +; } } window.addEventListener("resize", resizePage); window.addEventListener("load", init); window.addEventListener("keypress", onKeyPress);